Genome-wide screen to identify genetic loci associated with cognitive decline in late-life depression.
PMID: 32641180 DOI: 10.1017/S1041610220001143.
OBJECTIVE: This study sought to conduct a comprehensive search for genetic risk of cognitive decline in the context of geriatric depression.
Neurocognitive Outcomes of Depression in the Elderly(NCODE)研究におけるゲノムワイド関連研究(GWAS)解析。
DESIGN: A genome-wide association study (GWAS) analysis in the Neurocognitive Outcomes of Depression in the Elderly (NCODE) study.
SETTING: Longitudinal, naturalistic follow-up study.
PARTICIPANTS: Older depressed adults, both outpatients and inpatients, receiving care at an academic medical center.
認知機能の低下を測定するために、研究参加者にベースライン時とその後3年間に最低2回、CERAD(Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease:アルツハイマー病のためのレジストリを確立するためのコンソーシアム(CERAD))神経心理学的電池を投与した。ベースライン時とNCODEのCERAD合計スコア(CERAD-TS)の変化に関連する遺伝的変異を同定するために、GWAS解析を行った。
MEASUREMENTS: The Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD) neuropsychological battery was administered to the study participants at baseline and a minimum of twice within a subsequent 3-year period in order to measure cognitive decline. A GWAS analysis was conducted to identify genetic variation that is associated with baseline and change in the CERAD Total Score (CERAD-TS) in NCODE.
ベースラインのCERAD-TSのGWASでは、6番染色体上の遺伝子間一塩基多型(SNP)、rs17662598との有意な関連が、多重検査の調整を上回ることが明らかになった(p = 3.7×10-7;偽発見率q = 0.0371)。追加のG対立遺伝子ごとに、平均ベースラインCERAD-TSは8.656ポイント減少した。遺伝子内に存在する最も有意なSNPは、SLC27A1のrs11666579であった(p = 1.1×10-5)。G対立遺伝子の各追加コピーは、ベースラインCERAD-TSの平均4.829ポイントの減少と関連していた。SLC27A1は、脳内の内因性神経保護化合物であるドコサヘキサエン酸(DHA)の処理に関与している。DHAのレベルの低下は、アルツハイマー病の発症と関連している。CERAD-TSの経時的な低下と関連する最も有意なSNPは、以前に難聴と関連した遺伝子であるGRXCR1のrs73240021(p=1.1×10-6)であった。しかし、遺伝子内の関連はいずれも多重検定の調整に耐えなかった。
RESULTS: The GWAS of baseline CERAD-TS revealed a significant association with an intergenic single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) on chromosome 6, rs17662598, that surpassed adjustment for multiple testing (p = 3.7 × 10-7; false discovery rate q = 0.0371). For each additional G allele, average baseline CERAD-TS decreased by 8.656 points. The most significant SNP that lies within a gene was rs11666579 in SLC27A1 (p = 1.1 × 10-5). Each additional copy of the G allele was associated with an average decrease of baseline CERAD-TS of 4.829 points. SLC27A1 is involved with processing docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an endogenous neuroprotective compound in the brain. Decreased levels of DHA have been associated with the development of Alzheimer's disease. The most significant SNP associated with CERAD-TS decline over time was rs73240021 in GRXCR1 (p = 1.1 × 10-6), a gene previously linked with deafness. However, none of the associations within genes survived adjustment for multiple testing.
CONCLUSIONS: Our GWAS of cognitive function and decline among individuals with late-life depression (LLD) has identified promising candidate genes that, upon replication in other cohorts of LLD, may be potential biomarkers for cognitive decline and suggests DHA supplementation as a possible therapy of interest.