Tolerability and safety of urotainer® polihexanide 0.02% in catheterized patients: a prospective cohort study.
PMID: 32641131 PMCID: PMC7346619. DOI: 10.1186/s12894-020-00650-1.
膀胱カテーテルを2週間以上留置している患者では、細菌のコロニー化は避けられず、尿路感染症やカテーテル閉塞を伴う包皮症につながる。現在、膀胱灌水が最も頻繁に使用されている予防手段ですが、最良の解決策はまだ決定されていません。in vitro試験では、ポリヘキサニドがカテーテル灌流の有望な選択肢であることが示されているが、安全性と忍容性に関するデータは存在しない。
BACKGROUND: In patients with indwelling bladder catheters for > 2 weeks, bacterial colonization is inevitable, leading to urinary tract infections or encrustations with subsequent catheter blockage. Currently, bladder irrigations are the most frequently used prophylactic means, but the best solution remains yet to be determined. In vitro studies demonstrate that polihexanide is a promising option for catheter irrigation, but no data about safety and tolerability exist.
METHODS: In a prospective observational study in patients with indwelling bladder catheter for > 2 weeks, a 0.02% polihexanide solution was used to rinse the catheter on five consecutive days. Adverse events, tolerability and vital signs were assessed before, during, after and at the end of the treatment period.
RESULTS: There was no serious adverse event in the study. A total of 28 adverse events (AEs) in 15 (46.88%) participants were experienced. Absolute changes in pain scores were not clinically relevant. No incidences of either flushing or sweating were found during instillation. Bladder spasms during instillation were reported in two cases during a single instillation. Mean pulse rates did not change by more than 3 beats per minute. Mean changes in body temperature did not exceed 0.12 °C. Clinically relevant changes in blood pressure were recorded for 3 patients.
CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to demonstrate that a 0.02% polihexanide solution can safely be used for catheter irrigation.
ClinicalTrials.gov ( NCT02157415 )、2014年6月6日。
TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov ( NCT02157415 ), June 6th, 2014.