Gonococcal osteomyelitis in a pediatric patient with disseminated gonococcal infection: Implications for antimicrobial management.
PMID: 32637320 PMCID: PMC7327928. DOI: 10.1016/j.idcr.2020.e00875.
We report a case of a female teenager with gonococcal septic arthritis of the right shoulder that also caused osteomyelitis of the humeral head. Infection with is a frequently diagnosed sexually transmitted infection in the sexually active teenage population and disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI) is the most common systemic manifestation of acute gonorrhea. DGI commonly involves acute arthritis, tenosynovitis and dermatitis with less common complications of endocarditis, hepatitis and meningitis. In contrast, osteomyelitis has only rarely been reported as a result of gonococcal infection. Clinicians need to be aware of this unusual manifestation of DGI as a prolonged duration of antimicrobial treatment may be needed to assure complete resolution of this infection.
© 2020 The Authors.