Atypical sellar cyst: A rare case.
PMID: 32637208 PMCID: PMC7332488. DOI: 10.25259/SNI_584_2019.
脳神経外科ではellar cystがよく見られます。これらの約90%は下垂体腺腫と診断される。残りの10%は非腺腫性、炎症性、感染性、転移性、または嚢胞性のものである。いくつかのまれな嚢胞には、真皮様嚢胞、表皮様嚢胞、コロイド嚢胞、およびアラクノイド嚢胞がある。これらはすべて異なる組織学的特徴を有している。我々が紹介する症例は、これまでに文書化されていない特徴を持つユニークな嚢胞を示している。
Background: Sellar cysts are common in neurosurgery. Around 90% of these are diagnosed as pituitary adenomas. The other 10% are nonadenomatous, inflammatory, infective, metastatic, or cystic in nature. Some rare cysts include dermoid, epidermoid, colloid, and arachnoid. They all have different histological features. The case we present demonstrates a unique cyst with features that are not previously documented.
Case Description: A 60-year-old female presented to the neurosurgical department complaining of blurring of vision and severe headache for more than ½ year. Imaging was done which revealed a bony erosive lesion in the region of sella. Magnetic resonance imaging with contrast showed high signals with no contrast enhancement. A clear diagnosis could not be made based on radiology. Surgery was done and sample was sent for histopathology. Based on histopathological report findings, a diagnosis of benign atypical sellar cyst was made. Post procedure, the patient recovered and was discharged.
Conclusion: Sellar cysts present similarly. They are differentiated based on their histological features. The sellar cyst we encountered had features different from the ones already described in the literature.
Copyright: © 2020 Surgical Neurology International.