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Malar. J..2020 Jul;19(1):237. 10.1186/s12936-020-03310-9. doi: 10.1186/s12936-020-03310-9.Epub 2020-07-06.


Defining symptoms of malaria in India in an era of asymptomatic infections.

  • Anna Maria van Eijk
  • Asad S Mannan
  • Steven A Sullivan
  • Jane M Carlton
PMID: 32631326 PMCID: PMC7339403. DOI: 10.1186/s12936-020-03310-9.




BACKGROUND: Malaria is a major public health problem in India. Data from surveys totaling 3031 participants at three sites revealed a high proportion of asymptomatic infections, complicating diagnosis. The aim of this study was to identify differences in complaints and symptoms between sites, and factors associated with asymptomatic Plasmodium infections.


インド複合マラリア研究センター(Center for the Study of the Complex Malaria in India)の一環として、2012年から2015年にかけてNadiad(グジャラート州)、Chennai(タミルナードゥ州)、Rourkela(オーディシャ州)で実施されたコミュニティベースの横断的研究から得られた公表データを分析した。訴状と症状を系統的に記録し、顕微鏡検査、迅速診断検査(RDT)、ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応(PCR)を用いて原虫感染を確認した。多変量解析を行い、一般的な症状と年齢、季節、性別との関連を調べ、無症候性のPlasmodium感染症に関連する因子を評価した。

METHODS: Published data from community-based cross-sectional studies conducted between 2012 and 2015 in Nadiad (Gujarat), Chennai (Tamil Nadu), and Rourkela (Odisha) as part of the Center for the Study of Complex Malaria in India were analysed. Complaints and symptoms were systematically recorded, and Plasmodium infections confirmed using microscopy, rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs), and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Multivariate analyses were conducted to determine the association between general symptoms and age, season, or gender, and factors associated with asymptomatic Plasmodium infections were assessed.


何らかの疾患に関する苦情は、チェンナイ(17.7%)で最も低く、Rourkela(30.6%)、Nadiad(42.7%)であった。子どもの訴えが多く、性差はRourkelaのみで認められた。Nadiadでは、796人の参加者のうち7.0%がPCRによるマラリア陽性(32%がPlasmodium falciparum)であり、78.6%が発熱の既往歴または記録的発熱を有し、14.3%がその他の症状を有し、7.1%が「本当に無症状」であった。チェンナイではそれぞれ29.2%、4.2%、66.7%であり、928人の参加者のPCRによるマラリア有病率は2.6%であった(P. falciparumは29%)。Rourkelaでは、参加者1307人のうち7.7%がPCRでマラリア陽性(82%P. falciparum)で、それぞれ35.6%、24.8%、39.6%であった。Rourkelaでは、無症候性の感染は、若い年齢と男性の性別(顕微鏡検査またはRDT)、および雨季(PCR)と関連していた。同じ地域では、P. falciparum単独感染者(27/78、34.6%)よりもPlasmodium vivax感染者の方が無症状である可能性が高く(11/18、61.1%)、P. falciparumの配偶子細胞は症状のある感染者と無症状の感染者の間で均等に分布していた(それぞれ2/53 vs 2/49)。発熱に「頭痛」、「痛み」、「悪寒」の症状が加わったことで、症候性マラリアの症例定義が改善された。

RESULTS: Complaints of any illness were lowest in Chennai (17.7%), 30.6% in Rourkela and 42.7% in Nadiad. Complaints were more often reported for children; gender differences were noted in Rourkela only. In Nadiad, 7.0% of 796 participants were positive for malaria by PCR (32% Plasmodium falciparum); 78.6% had a history of fever or documented fever, 14.3% had other symptoms, and 7.1% were "truly asymptomatic". For Chennai this was 29.2%, 4.2% and 66.7% respectively, with a malaria prevalence of 2.6% by PCR of 928 participants (29% P. falciparum). In Rourkela, with 7.7% of 1307 participants positive for malaria by PCR (82% P. falciparum), the percentages were 35.6%, 24.8% and 39.6%, respectively. In Rourkela, asymptomatic infections were associated with young age and male gender (microscopy or RDT), and with rainy season (PCR). In the same site, participants with Plasmodium vivax were more likely to be asymptomatic (11/18 or 61.1%) than persons with P. falciparum mono-infections (27/78 or 34.6%); gametocytes for P. falciparum were evenly distributed between symptomatic and asymptomatic infections (2/53 vs. 2/49, respectively). The addition of the symptoms "headache", "aches" and "chills" to fever improved the case-definition of symptomatic malaria.



CONCLUSION: There were considerable differences in complaints at the three sites in India. Malaria and asymptomatic infections differ by region, indicating that malaria elimination will require localized approaches.