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Diagn. Cytopathol..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/dc.24538.Epub 2020-07-06.

顕在マクロファージとDöderlein bacillusは、クラスIのPapanicolaou塗抹では負の相関を示している。形態学的検討

The apparition macrophage and Döderlein bacillus is negatively correlated in class I Papanicolaou smear: A morphological examination.

  • Kikuo Ikegami
  • Gen Watanabe
  • Junko Kumagai
  • Yutaka Fujii
  • Hiroaki Watanabe
  • Takashi Oite
PMID: 32628346 DOI: 10.1002/dc.24538.



非特異的膣炎は、細菌性膣炎とも呼ばれ、性器カンジダ症やトリコモナス症とは異なり、マイクロバイオームの破壊によって引き起こされます。デダーレン菌はグラム陽性菌で、マイクロバイオームを形成し、性成熟後に女性の膣内で繁殖し、乳酸を分泌し、他の膣炎の原因菌の増殖を防ぐ働きをしています。クルーセルとは、細胞表面にGardnerella sp.が付着した扁平上皮細胞のことです。手がかり細胞の存在は、非特異的膣炎の診断基準の一つである。さらに、マクロファージはカンジダ膣炎から保護することが報告されているが、マクロファージと手掛かり細胞との関連性を検討した研究の報告はない。

BACKGROUND: Nonspecific vaginitis, also known as Bacterial vaginosis, unlike genital candidiasis and trichomoniasis, is caused by microbiome breakdown. Döderlein's bacillus are gram-positive bacillus that form a microbiome, reproduce in the female vagina after gaining sexual maturity, secrete lactic acid, and prevent the growth of other vaginitis-causing bacteria. Clue cell are squamous epithelial cells with Gardnerella sp. attached to their cell surface. The presence of clue cell is one of the diagnostic criteria for nonspecific vaginitis. Additionally, although macrophages are reported to protect against candidal vaginitis, there are no reports of studies examining the association between macrophages and clue cell.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: After re-staining 300 class I specimens by cervical cancer screening with Papanicolaou staining, the appearance of Döderlein's bacillus, macrophages, and clue cell was observed.



RESULT: Age group and appearance of Döderlein's bacillus were negatively correlated. The rate of appearance of macrophages was positively correlated with the age group. In people aged 50 years or more, the appearance rate of clue cells was significantly lower in the macrophage appearance group than that in the non-appearance group.



CONCLUSION: This study suggested that macrophages, and not Döderlein's bacillus, may play an important role in defense against nonspecific vaginitis.

© 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC.