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Mol Genet Genomic Med.2020 Jul;8(7):e1259. doi: 10.1002/mgg3.1259.Epub 2020-04-23.


Phenotype-genotype correlations in a pseudodominant Stargardt disease pedigree due to a novel ABCA4 deletion-insertion variant causing a splicing defect.

  • Di Huang
  • Jennifer A Thompson
  • Jason Charng
  • Enid Chelva
  • Samuel McLenachan
  • Shang-Chih Chen
  • Dan Zhang
  • Terri L McLaren
  • Tina M Lamey
  • Ian J Constable
  • John N De Roach
  • May Thandar Aung-Htut
  • Abbie Adams
  • Sue Fletcher
  • Steve D Wilton
  • Fred K Chen
PMID: 32627976 PMCID: PMC7336727. DOI: 10.1002/mgg3.1259.



網膜特異的ATP結合カセットトランスポーター遺伝子、サブファミリーA、メンバー4(ABCA4)の欠失挿入(delins)バリアントは、スターガルト病の1%未満を占めている。これらのデリンズバリアントのスプライシングへの影響は、in vitroでのデータを裏付けることなく、確実に予測することはできません。

BACKGROUND: Deletion-insertion (delins) variants in the retina-specific ATP-binding cassette transporter gene, subfamily A, member 4 (ABCA4) accounts for <1% in Stargardt disease. The consequences of these delins variants on splicing cannot be predicted with certainty without supporting in vitro data.


候補となるABCA4バリアントは、市販のパネルとサンガーシークエンシングを用いた仮性優性スターガルト病の家族の遺伝学的および分離分析によって明らかにされた。患者由来の線維芽細胞から抽出した RNA を RT-PCR で解析し、ABCA4 変異体のスプライシング挙動を評価した。

METHODS: Candidate ABCA4 variants were revealed by genetic and segregation analysis of a family with pseudodominant Stargardt disease using a commercial panel and Sanger sequencing. RNA extracted from patient-derived fibroblasts was analyzed by RT-PCR to evaluate splicing behavior of the ABCA4 variants.



RESULTS: Affected members carrying the novel c.6031_6044delinsAGTATTTAACCAATATTT variant in exon 44 presented with contrasting phenotypes; from early-onset cone-rod dystrophy to late-onset macular dystrophy. This variant resulted in a 56-nucleotide deletion in the mutant allele by activation of a cryptic splice acceptor site which disrupts the reading frame and results in a premature termination codon (p.Ile2003LeufsTer41). If translated, the crucial functional domains near the C-terminus would be truncated from the ABCA4 protein.


本研究では、偽優性スターガルト病の血統における家族内表現型の多様性と、患者由来の線維芽細胞を用いて、新規ABCA4 delins変異体のスプライシングへの影響を評価し、インシリコでの病原性評価を補完することを実証した。

CONCLUSION: This work demonstrates the intrafamilial phenotypic variability in a pseudodominant Stargardt disease pedigree and the use of patient-derived fibroblasts to evaluate the effect of a novel ABCA4 delins variant on splicing to complement in silico pathogenicity assessment.

© 2020 The Authors. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.