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EFSA J.2019 Jun;17(6):e05724. EFS25724. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2019.5724.Epub 2019-06-11.

肥育用ニワトリ、産卵用に飼育されたニワトリ、および産卵点まで飼育された小型鳥類のための動物工学的飼料添加物としてのBiomin DC-Pの安全性と有効性

Safety and efficacy of Biomin DC-P as a zootechnical feed additive for chickens for fattening, chickens reared for laying and minor avian species to the point of lay.

  • Vasileios Bampidis
  • Giovanna Azimonti
  • Maria de Lourdes Bastos
  • Henrik Christensen
  • Birgit Dusemund
  • Maryline Kouba
  • Mojca Kos Durjava
  • Marta López-Alonso
  • Secundino López Puente
  • Francesca Marcon
  • Baltasar Mayo
  • Alena Pechová
  • Mariana Petkova
  • Fernando Ramos
  • Yolanda Sanz
  • Roberto Edoardo Villa
  • Ruud Woutersen
  • Andrew Chesson
  • Jürgen Gropp
  • Giovanna Martelli
  • Derek Renshaw
  • Gloria López-Gálvez
  • Alberto Mantovani
PMID: 32626346 PMCID: PMC7009287. DOI: 10.2903/j.efsa.2019.5724.


添加物(商品名 BiominDC-P)は、5 つの個別化合物(カルバクロール、チモール、d-カルボン、サリチル酸メチル、l-メントール)を水添植物油でカプセル化したブレンドである。この添加物は、様々な家禽種の飼料への使用を意図しており、最低濃度は65mg/kgの完全飼料、最大推奨濃度は105mg/kgの完全飼料となっています。耐性試験の結果、バイオミン DC-P は、推奨最大施用量 105 mg/kg の完全飼料で肥育用ニワトリに対して安全であることが示された。残留試験で特定された不確実性にもかかわらず、消費者のメントールとカルボンへの潜在的な暴露を計算するために最悪のシナリオを適用した後、添加物の成分は食品や飼料用香料としての使用には安全であると考えられていることから、FEEDAPパネルは、動物栄養における添加物の使用は消費者にとって安全であると結論づけた。FEEDAPパネルは、使用者が吸入による暴露を受ける可能性は低いと考えているが、皮膚や目へのバイオミンDC-Pの影響については結論を出すことができない。BiominDC-Pの使用は、環境へのリスクをもたらすとは考えられない。BiominDC-Pは、65mg/kgの完全飼料の最低散布量で飼料に配合した場合、肥育用鶏の生育成績を向上させる可能性がある。

The additive (trade name BiominDC-P) is a blend of five individual compounds (carvacrol, thymol, d-carvone, methyl salicylate and l-menthol) encapsulated with a hydrogenated vegetable oil. The additive is intended for use in feed for various poultry species at a minimum concentration of 65 mg/kg complete feed and a recommended maximum level of 105 mg/kg complete feed. The results of a tolerance study show that Biomin DC-P is safe for chickens for fattening at the maximum recommended application rate of 105 mg/kg complete feed; this conclusion is extended to include chickens reared for laying and extrapolated to minor poultry species The active components of a previously evaluated additive (BiominDC-C) were shown to be not genotoxic; owing to the similarity on composition, this conclusion can be also applied to BiominDC-P. Notwithstanding the uncertainties identified in the residue study, after applying a worst-case scenario to calculate potential exposure of consumers to menthol and carvone, and since that the components of the additive are considered safe for their use as food and feed flavourings, the FEEDAP Panel concludes that the use of the additive in animal nutrition is considered safe for consumers. The FEEDAP Panel considered that exposure of users by inhalation is unlikely, but cannot conclude on the effects of BiominDC-P on skin and eyes. The use of BiominDC-P is not expected to pose a risk for the environment. BiominDC-P has a potential to increase the growth performance of chickens for fattening when incorporated into feed at a minimum application rate of 65 mg/kg complete feed; the conclusion can be extended to chickens reared for laying and extrapolated to minor poultry species reared up to the point of lay.

© 2019 European Food Safety Authority. EFSA Journal published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd on behalf of European Food Safety Authority.