[Antithrombotic therapy after iliac vein stenting].
PMID: 32621412
Stenting for iliac vein stenosis or compression has become a common therapeutic approach in recent years. The antithrombotic therapy after the stent deployment, however, reaches no consensus. Medications strategies and patients' prognoses differ in non-thrombotic, acute thrombotic and chronic thrombotic these three circumstances. Non-thrombotic patients usually possess satisfactory stent patency whatever antithrombotic therapy is used. Anticoagulant is the basic medication for acute thrombotic patients, benefits from additional antiplatelet drug remains to be clarified. In terms of chronic thrombotic patients, their prognoses are unsatisfactory under all antithrombotic therapies. In this review, we outlined the recent progress of antithrombotic therapy after iliac vein stenting, aiming to provide feasible medication plans for each circumstance.