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Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol..2020 Jun;S0002-9378(20)30669-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2020.06.044.Epub 2020-06-24.

保持された胎盤の管理のための薬理学的介入: 無作為化された試験のシステマティックレビューおよびメタアナリシス

Pharmacologic Intervention for the Management of Retained Placenta:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials.

  • Haylea S Patrick
  • Anjali Mitra
  • Todd Rosen
  • Cande V Ananth
  • Meike Schuster
PMID: 32592695 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2020.06.044.




BACKGROUND: Retained placenta affects 2-3.3% of all vaginal deliveries and is one of the leading causes of postpartum hemorrhage worldwide. Despite the prevalence of this condition, there is limited guidance on how to manage retained placenta.



OBJECTIVE: A systematic review and meta-analysis were performed to evaluate the efficacy of pharmacologic interventions for the management of retained placenta.


STUDY DESIGN: PubMed, ClinicalTrials.gov, Cochrane Library, Web of Science and Scopus were searched for full text publications in English. Search terms included (retained placenta) AND (treatment OR therapy OR disease management OR Pitocin OR misoprostol OR Cytotec OR dinoprostone OR nitroglycerin OR carbetocin OR ergotamine), with no restriction on publication date. Only randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were included. The primary outcome was the need for manual extraction of placenta or D&C. Reviewers evaluated the quality of included articles using the Cochrane's Collaboration tool for assessing risk of bias. Pooled risk ratios were estimated based on random and fixed effects analyses. Inter-study heterogeneity was considered when I ≥50%.


文献検索により、包含基準を満たす29のRCTが同定された(2,682人の被験者)。これらの研究で最も一般的に使用された薬剤は臍帯静脈注射によるオキシトシンであり、これらの研究では高い異質性が認められた(I=62%)。オキシトシンはカルベトシン(リスク比[RR]1.61、95%信頼区間[CI]1.03-2.52)およびプロスタグランジン(RR2.63、95%CI1.18-5.86)よりも主要評価項目で劣っていた。オキシトシン、プロスタグランジン剤、およびニトログリセリンについては、対照薬またはプラセボと比較して、一次転帰について治験薬が有利になる傾向がみられた。薬理学的介入を行った場合の推定出血量は、プラセボまたは対照と比較して、平均121.5(95%CI -185.7、-52.3)mLの差があり、より低かった。薬理学的介入とプラセボまたは対照との間では,産後出血または輸血の必要性に差はなかった.

RESULTS: The literature search identified 29 RCTs that met the inclusion criteria (2,682 subjects). The most commonly used agent across the studies was oxytocin administered via umbilical vein injection, and there was high heterogeneity among those studies (I=62%). Oxytocin was inferior to Carbetocin (risk ratio [RR] 1.61, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.03-2.52) and prostaglandins (RR 2.63, 95% CI 1.18-5.86) for the primary outcome. For oxytocin, prostaglandin agents, and nitroglycerin, there was a trend toward favoring the study drug for the primary outcome when compared to control or placebo. Estimated blood loss was lower if pharmacologic interventions were administered compared to placebo or control with a mean difference of 121.5 (95% CI -185.7, -52.3) mL. There was no difference in postpartum hemorrhage or need for blood transfusion between pharmacologic interventions and placebo or control.


CONCLUSIONS: Pooled estimates for oxytocin via umbilical vein injection, prostaglandin agents, and nitroglycerin performed favorably when compared to placebo or control for management of retained placenta. Carbetocin and prostaglandin agents were superior to oxytocin in reducing need for manual extraction or D&C.

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