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J Dent.2020 Jun;:103416. S0300-5712(20)30162-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103416.Epub 2020-06-22.


Restorations after selective caries removal: 5-year randomized trial.

  • Juliana Jobim Jardim
  • Heliana Dantas Mestrinho
  • Bárbara Koppe
  • Lilian Marly de Paula
  • Luana Severo Alves
  • Paulo Márcio Yamaguti
  • Júlio César Franco Almeida
  • Marisa Maltz
PMID: 32585263 DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103416.




OBJECTIVE: To compare the survival of restorations placed in deep carious lesions after selective caries removal to soft dentin (SCRSD) over a 5-year period. A secondary aim was to investigate whether the material (amalgam or resin composite) affected the survival of restorations.


この研究では、多施設共同無作為化比較臨床試験(臨床試験登録 NCT00887952)から得られたデータを使用しました。咬合部または近位の深層齲蝕病変(レントゲン検査で象牙質厚の1/2以上)を呈する永久大臼歯の患者、コールドテストに陽性反応、自然痛がないこと、打診に陰性であること、歯周病変がないことを包含基準とした。歯をSCRSDと1回の訪問で修復する群とステップワイズ掘削(SW)に無作為に割り付けた。これらの群は、充填物の種類によって、アマルガム(AM)またはレジンコンポジット(RC)に分けられた。5年間の治療成功率を推定するために生存率解析を行った(調整ワイブル回帰モデル)。

METHODS: This study used data derived from a multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial (Clinical trials registration NCT00887952). Inclusion criteria were: patients with permanent molars presenting occlusal or proximal deep caries lesions (≥1/2 of the dentin thickness on radiographic examination), positive response to a cold test, absence of spontaneous pain, negative sensitivity to percussion, and absence of periapical lesions. The teeth were randomized into SCRSD and restoration in a single visit or stepwise excavation (SW). Each of these groups was divided according to the filling material: amalgam (AM) or resin composite (RC). Survival analyses were performed to estimate therapy success rates over 5 years (adjusted Weibull regression model).



RESULTS: 172 restorations were evaluated, 95 from SCRSD group and 77 from SW group, being 61 AMG and 111 RC. The 5-year survival analysis showed similar success rates for SW (76%) and SCRSD (79%) as well as for AM and RC (p > 0.05).



CONCLUSION: This study showed that, after a 5-year follow-up period, the presence of decayed tissue beneath restorations in deep caries lesions did not seem to affect restoration survival. Amalgam and resin composite restorations had similar survival rates, irrespective of the caries removal technique used - SCRSD or SW.



CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Selective caries removal to soft dentin can be used in the management of deep caries to avoid pulp exposure and preserve tooth structure without affecting restoration longevity.

Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier Ltd.