Quantification of pathogenic bacteria in the subgingival oral biofilm samples collected from cigarette-smokers, individuals using electronic nicotine delivery systems and non-smokers with and without periodontitis.
PMID: 32544646 DOI: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2020.104793.
本研究の目的は、歯周炎を有する喫煙者および ENDS 使用者から採取した歯肉下口腔バイオフィルムサンプルから分離された病原性細菌を、歯周炎を有する非喫煙者および歯周炎を有さない非喫煙者と比較して定量することであった。
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to quantify pathogenic bacteria isolated from the subgingival oral-biofilm samples collected from cigarette-smokers and ENDS-users with periodontitis, when compared to non-smokers with and without periodontitis.
質問紙を用いて人口統計学的データを収集した。歯周パラメータ(プラーク[PI]および歯肉[GI]指標、臨床的アタッチメントロス[CAL]、プロービング深さ[PD]および限界骨損失[MBL])を測定した。歯肉下の口腔内バイオフィルムサンプルを採取し、歯周病原性細菌(Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans [A. actinomycetemcomitans]、Prevotella intermedia [P. intermedia]、Porphyromonas gingivalis [P. gingivalis]、Tannerella forsythia [T. forsythia]、Treponema denticola [T. denticola])の評価を行った。グループ比較が行われ、P<0.01は統計的に有意であると考えられた。
METHODS: Demographic data was collected using a questionnaire. Periodontal parameters (plaque [PI] and gingival [GI] indices, clinical attachment loss [CAL], probing depth [PD] and marginal bone loss [MBL]) were measured. Subgingival oral bio-film samples were collected and assessed for periodontopathogenic bacteria (Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans [A. actinomycetemcomitans], Prevotella intermedia [P. intermedia], Porphyromonas gingivalis [P. gingivalis], Tannerella forsythia [T. forsythia] and Treponema denticola [T. denticola]). Group-comparisons were performed; and P < 0.01 were considered statistically significant.
歯周炎を持つすべての喫煙者、ENDS使用者および非喫煙者はGrade-B歯周炎を有していた。A. actinomycycetemcomitans(P<0.001)とP. gingivalis(P<0.001)のCFU/mLは、歯周炎を持つ非喫煙者よりもタバコを吸う人(P<0.01)とENDS使用者(P<0.01)の方が有意に高かった。T. denticolaのCFU/mLは,歯周炎のない非喫煙者と比較して,タバコを吸う人(P<0.001),ENDSを使用する人(P<0.001),歯周炎のある非喫煙者(P<0.001)で有意に高かった.P. intermediaおよびT. denticolaのCFU/mLは、タバコを吸う人、ENDSを吸う人、歯周炎を持つ非喫煙者では統計学的に有意な差はなかった。
RESULTS: All cigarette-smokers, ENDS-users and non-smokers with periodontitis had Grade-B periodontitis. The CFU/mL of A. actinomycetemcomitans (P < 0.001) and P. gingivalis (P < 0.001) were significantly higher among cigarette-smokers (P < 0.01) and ENDS-users (P < 0.01) than non-smokers with periodontitis. The CFU/mL of T. denticola were significantly higher among cigarette-smokers (P < 0.001), ENDS-users (P < 0.001) and non-smokers with periodontitis (P < 0.001) compared with non-smokers without periodontitis. There was no statistically significant difference in the CFU/mL of P. intermedia and T. denticola among cigarette-smokers, ENDS-users and non-smokers with periodontitis.
CONCLUSION: Counts of periodontopathogenic bacteria in the subgingival oral-biofilm are comparable among cigarette-smokers and individuals using ENDS.
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