Open Label Phase II Study of Enzalutamide With Concurrent Administration of Radium 223 Dichloride in Patients With Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer.
PMID: 32475774 DOI: 10.1016/j.clgc.2020.02.015.
世界的に承認されている去勢抵抗性前立腺がん(CRPC)治療法は数多く存在する。エンザルツァルタミドとラジウム223(Ra 223)は、生存期間の延長とX線写真の進行を遅延させる能力で承認されている。両者は作用機序、安全性および忍容性プロファイルが著しく異なっている。我々は、両者の安全性と忍容性を合わせてプロスペクティブに検討した。
BACKGROUND: Numerous globally approved castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) therapies are available. Enzalutamide and radium 223 (Ra 223) are approved for survival prolongation and ability to delay radiographic progression. Both have markedly different mechanisms of action as well as safety and tolerability profiles. We prospectively investigated their combined safety and tolerability.
EnzaRadiCate試験は、米国の4つの泌尿器腫瘍学研究施設から、転移性CRPCの被験者が登録された第II相試験である。安全性評価には、身体検査、Eastern Cooperative Oncology Groupのステータス、心電図結果、検査値、オピオイド使用量、X線撮影時の反応、有害事象(AE)が含まれた。QOLと疼痛は、Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Prostate(FACT-P)およびBrief Pain Inventory Short Form(BPI-SF)質問票を用いて評価した。
PATIENTS AND METHODS: EnzaRadiCate, a phase II investigator-initiated trial, enrolled subjects with metastatic CRPC from 4 United States uro-oncology research sites. Safety assessment included physical examination, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group status, electrocardiogram results, laboratory values, opioid use, radiographic responses, and adverse events (AEs). Quality of life and pain were assessed using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Prostate (FACT-P) and the Brief Pain Inventory Short Form (BPI-SF) questionnaires.
39人の被験者がRa223の2サイクル以上を完了し、34人(87%)が6サイクルすべてを完了した。被験者の53.8%が61の治療関連AEを報告した。最も頻度の高かったAEは、疲労(25.6%)、吐き気(17.9%)、貧血(12.8%)であった。3名の被験者が治療に関連しない重篤なAEを経験した。1 例は敗血症で入院し,2 例は疾患の進行に起因する死亡であった.15人(38.5%)の被験者がX線像の進行を示し、24人(61.5%)の被験者にはX線像の進行はなかった。
RESULTS: Thirty-nine subjects completed at least 2 cycles of Ra 223, and 34 (87%) completed all 6 cycles through and the EOT visit. Sixty-one treatment-related AEs were reported by 53.8% of subjects. The most frequent AEs were fatigue (25.6%), nausea (17.9%), and anemia (12.8%). Three subjects experienced non-treatment-related serious AEs. One subject was hospitalized for sepsis, and 2 deaths were attributed to disease progression. Fifteen (38.5%) subjects demonstrated radiographic progression, and 24 (61.5%) subjects had no radiographic progression.
CONCLUSIONS: Safety and tolerability of combinatorial use of enzalutamide and Ra 223 were demonstrated. Subjects experienced improvements in quality of life and pain, without unexpected toxicities nor increases in falls, fractures, or deaths. Phase III combination trials of Ra 223 with novel oral hormonal agents are ongoing to further evaluate radiographic progression and overall survival benefit.
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