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Life Sci..2020 Aug;255:117838. S0024-3205(20)30588-9. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2020.117838.Epub 2020-05-22.


Nrf2 knockout dysregulates iron metabolism and increases the hemolysis through ROS in aging mice.

  • Zhenzhen Liu
  • Kang Han
  • Xuege Huo
  • Bingqi Yan
  • Mohan Gao
  • Xin Lv
  • Peng Yu
  • Guofen Gao
  • Yan-Zhong Chang
PMID: 32450168 DOI: 10.1016/j.lfs.2020.117838.



体内の鉄の恒常性の乱れは、様々な病気の原因となります。鉄欠乏は貧血を、鉄過多は細胞の酸化ストレスを悪化させます。核内因子エリスロイド2関連因子2(Nrf2)は、核内で活性化され、抗酸化酵素の産生を活性化し、酸化ストレスから細胞を守るタンパク質である。本研究では、Nrf2 遺伝子のノックアウトが加齢マウスの鉄のホメオスタシスに影響を与えるかどうかを検討した。

AIMS: Dysregulation of iron homeostasis in the body causes a variety of diseases. Iron deficiency leads to anemia, whereas iron overload aggravates cellular oxidative stress. Nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is a protein that is activated in the nucleus and turns on the production of antioxidant enzymes, protecting cell against oxidative damage. This study aimed to investigate whether Nrf2 gene knockout influences iron homeostasis in aging mice.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: Iron content and iron metabolism-related proteins were assessed in different organs and blood serum of the 18 month-old Nrf2 knockout (Nrf2) mice in comparison with the wild-type (WT) mice.


その結果、Nrf2 マウスでは脾臓と肝臓の鉄分量が増加し、鉄輸送体の発現量が変化していることが明らかになった。特に、肝臓、脾臓、小腸の鉄輸出タンパク質フェロポルチン1(Fpn1)の発現がNrf2マウスで減少していることがわかり、これが各臓器への鉄の沈着と活性酸素の増加を説明していると考えられます。驚くべきことに、Nrf2マウスの血清鉄濃度は、小腸での鉄吸収が低下しても低下せず、有意に上昇していることがわかった。さらに調べてみると、血清鉄の増加は、Nrf2マウスの赤血球の活性酸素の増加によって赤血球の溶血から鉄が放出されたことによるものであることがわかりました。

KEY FINDINGS: Results showed that the iron contents in spleen and liver all increased, and expression levels of iron transporters were altered in Nrf2 mice. In particularly, we found that the expression of iron export protein ferroportin 1 (Fpn1) in liver, spleen and small intestine all decreased in Nrf2 mice, which might account for the deposition of iron in different organs and the increased ROS. Surprisingly, we found that the serum iron level of Nrf2 mice did not decrease, but increased significantly even when the iron absorption at small intestine decreased. Our further investigation revealed that the increase of serum iron was due to the release of iron from the hemolysis of erythrocytes, which caused by the increased ROS level in red blood cells of the Nrf2 mice.



SIGNIFICANCE: These findings provide a more comprehensive understanding of the important role of Nrf2 in the regulation of systemic iron metabolism.

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