The effects of prenatal, perinatal and neonatal factors on academic performance in primary school age children.
PMID: 32414288
OBJECTIVE: To synthesize existing evidence about the effects of prenatal, perinatal and neonatal factors on academic performance in primary school age children (up to 12 years).
DESIGN: Review article.
SETTING: National Institute of Mental Health, Klecany.
SCOPUS, WoS, ProQuest, MEDLINE, PsycArticles, PsycINFO, ERICを用いた文献レビュー。AND (Pregnetan* OR prenatal* OR perinatal* OR 分娩 OR (child AND birth) OR 出産 OR withinapart* OR postpart* OR preterm OR premature OR (low AND birth AND weight) OR 帝王切開 OR 帝王切開 OR (c AND section) OR 母乳育児 OR (bastfeeding OR (bast AND feeding)) )AND (child* OR kid* OR pupil*)。英語の査読付き研究のみを対象とし、公開日の期限は設定しなかった。
METHODS: Literature review using databases SCOPUS, WoS, ProQuest, MEDLINE, PsycArticles, PsycINFO and ERIC with a search strategy (academ* OR schol* OR school*) AND (success* OR aptitude OR fail* OR abilit* OR perform* OR achiev* OR progress* OR outcom* OR attain*) AND (pregnan* OR prenatal* OR perinatal* OR childbirth OR (child AND birth) OR birth OR intrapart* OR postpart* OR preterm OR pre-term OR premature OR (low AND birth AND weight) OR cesarean OR caesarean OR c-section OR (c AND section) OR breastfeeding OR (breast AND feeding)) AND (child* OR kid* OR pupil*). Only peer-reviewed studies in English were included, no time limits for publication date were set.
RESULTS: The main factors influencing academic performance include prematurity and factors related to maternal health and life style in pregnancy (substance abuse, health complications such as diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism, psychiatric diagnosis, use of antiepileptic drugs, dietary habits, especially restriction of caloric intake, exposure to harmful influences as heavy metals, ionizing radiation and stress). Academic performance has also been found to be associated with delivery mode and several neonatal factors, particularly respiratory or cardiac insufficiency and infection.
CONCLUSION: Factors related to pregnancy, childbirth and the early postpartum period may have a negative impact on school success in children. Their early detection can help to develop strategies for early support and intervention in vulnerable groups of children.