Cognitive Correlates of Digital Clock Drawing Metrics in Older Adults with and without Mild Cognitive Impairment.
PMID: 32250300 PMCID: PMC7217723. DOI: 10.3233/JAD-191089.
BACKGROUND: A digital version of the clock drawing test (dCDT) provides new latency and graphomotor behavioral measurements. These variables have yet to be validated with external neuropsychological domains in non-demented adults.
OBJECTIVE: The current investigation reports on cognitive constructs associated with selected dCDT latency and graphomotor variables and compares performances between individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and non-MCI peers.
METHODS: 202 non-demented older adults (age 68.79 ± 6.18, 46% female, education years 16.02 ± 2.70) completed the dCDT and a comprehensive neuropsychological protocol. dCDT variables of interest included: total completion time (TCT), pre-first hand latency (PFHL), post-clock face latency (PCFL), and clock face area (CFA). We also explored variables of percent time drawing (i.e., 'ink time') versus percent time not drawing (i.e., 'think time'). Neuropsychological domains of interest included processing speed, working memory, language, and declarative memory.
年齢と発症前の認知予備能指標を調整したところ、コマンドTCTは複数の認知領域と正の相関を示し、PFHLとPCFLはワーキングメモリと処理速度テストのパフォーマンスの低下と負の相関を示した。コピーでは、TCT、PCFL、PFHLは処理速度と負の相関を示し、CFAは言語と負の相関を示した。グループ間の分析では、MCIの参加者ではTCTの生成が遅く、CFAの生成が小さく、'ink' (% Ink)時間よりも'think' (% Think)時間の方が多くのコマンドを必要としていたことが示された。
RESULTS: Adjusting for age and premorbid cognitive reserve metrics, command TCT positively correlated with multiple cognitive domains; PFHL and PCFL negatively associated with worse performance on working memory and processing speed tests. For Copy, TCT, PCFL, and PFHL negatively correlated with processing speed, and CFA negatively correlated with language. Between-group analyses show MCI participants generated slower command TCT, produced smaller CFA, and required more command 'think' (% Think) than 'ink' (% Ink) time.
CONCLUSION: Command dCDT variables of interest were primarily processing speed and working memory dependent. MCI participants showed dCDT differences relative to non-MCI peers, suggesting the dCDT may assist with classification. Results document cognitive construct validation to digital metrics of clock drawing.