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Clin Oral Investig.2020 Mar;10.1007/s00784-020-03251-2. doi: 10.1007/s00784-020-03251-2.Epub 2020-03-20.

ブラケット結合歯面の変色に対するマウスウォッシュの効果:in vitro試験

Effect of mouthwashes on the discoloration of bracket-bonded tooth surfaces: an in vitro study.

  • Yasemin Nur Korkmaz
  • Musa Bulut
PMID: 32198659 DOI: 10.1007/s00784-020-03251-2.



このin vitro試験は、4種類のマウスウォッシュを使用した後のブラケット結合歯面の色の変化を調査することを目的とした。

OBJECTIVES: This in vitro study aimed to investigate the color changes of the bracket-bonded tooth surfaces after the use of 4 different mouthwashes.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 100 human premolar teeth were randomly divided into 10 equal groups. Color values (L*a*b*) of the buccal surfaces of each tooth were assessed using a digital spectrophotometer. Then the brackets were bonded. The groups were put either in sterile saline (4 test+1 control) or artificial saliva (4 test+1 control) solutions, and test groups were immersed in their mouthwashes (Colgate Plax, Listerine Cool Mint, Klorhex, and Tantum Verde) for 1 min each in the morning/evening to simulate the mouth washing for 21 days after the bonding. After the debonding and finishing procedures, final color measurements were performed. Color changes (∆E) were calculated.



RESULTS: All of the parameters showed statistically significant differences among the groups. The least noticeable color changes were detected in the control groups. The most noticeable color change (ΔE) was observed in the Tantum Verde + artificial saliva group, followed by Tantum Verde + sterile saline and Klorhex + artificial saliva groups, all of which were significantly higher than the control groups.


矯正治療中の洗口剤の使用により、歯の色の変化が顕著になることがあります。変色の少ない洗口剤としては、リステリンクールミントが選択されることがあります。口腔内環境をより良く反映させるために、同様のin vitro試験では人工唾液が好ましいとされています。

CONCLUSION: The use of mouthwashes during orthodontic treatment may cause noticeable changes in tooth color. Listerine Cool Mint may be the choice of mouthwash with its less discoloring effects. Artificial saliva should be preferred in similar in vitro studies to reflect the oral environment better.



CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Mouthwash use during orthodontic treatment may result in different levels of enamel discoloration.