Optimization of T-shape slotted quartz tube with exit holes-atom trap-flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry system for the accurate and sensitive determination of tellurium in tap water.
PMID: 31865447 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-019-8043-6.
テルルは工業プロセスや生活用品に広く使用されており、曝露すると深刻な健康被害を引き起こす可能性があります。そのため、実際に使用されている試料中のテルルを定量することは非常に重要です。本研究では、水試料中のテルルの微量レベルを測定するために、正確で、環境に優しく、安価な分析法を開発しました。検出限界を下げるために、炎の種類,アセチレン流量,スロット付き石英管(T-SQT)の高さ,トラップ期間などのシステムパラメータを最適化しました。その結果、検出限界(LOD)は14.1ng/mL、定量限界(LOQ)は47.1ng/mLとなった。回収試験では、水道水試料に最適化したT-SQT-AT-FAAS法を適用し、テルルの微量レベルを測定したところ、91.1〜111.3%の回収率が得られた。開発した方法の相対標準偏差値(%RSD)は,校正プロットの最低濃度でも5.0%以下であり,水試料に対する本方法の精度と適用性の高さが示された.グラフィカルアブストラクト .
Tellurium has been widely used in industrial processes and daily life products, and can cause serious health problems upon exposure. Therefore, determination of tellurium in real-life samples is very crucial. In this study, an accurate, environmentally friendly, and inexpensive analytical method was developed to determine trace levels of tellurium in water samples. To lower the detection limits, system parameters including flame type, acetylene flow rate, slotted quartz tube (T-SQT) height, and trapping period were optimized. Under the optimum conditions, the limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) were calculated as 14.1 ng/mL and 47.1 ng/mL, respectively. For recovery studies, the optimized T-SQT-AT-FAAS method was applied to tap water samples to determine trace levels of tellurium and recovery results were found between 91.1 and 111.3%. Relative standard deviation value (%RSD) of the developed method was found to be less than 5.0% even for the lowest concentration in calibration plot, specifying good accuracy and high applicability of the method for water samples. Graphical abstract .