PAR2 controls cholesterol homeostasis and lipid metabolism in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
PMID: 31668396 PMCID: PMC6742970. DOI: 10.1016/j.molmet.2019.08.019.
OBJECTIVE: Increases in hepatic and plasma cholesterol occur in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), although the reason for this is not well understood. We investigated whether Protease-Activated Receptor 2 (PAR2) plays a role in cholesterol and lipid homeostasis in NAFLD.
ヒト肝生検(n=108)を無作為に選択し、臨床転帰の主要な予測因子である肝線維化ステージ別に層別化し、線維化グループ間で年齢、性別、BMIをコントロールしながら、PAR2発現を定量化した。人口統計学的データおよび血漿サンプルの臨床検査データは、肝生検後6ヵ月以内に取得した。野生型およびPAR2-KO(C57BL/6 F2rl1)マウスに通常食または高脂肪食を16週間与え、血漿および肝臓の脂質および可溶性代謝物の測定を行った。
METHODS: Human liver biopsies (n = 108) were quantified for PAR2 expression from NAFLD cases randomly selected and stratified by liver fibrosis stage, the primary predictor for clinical outcomes, while controlling for age, gender, and BMI between fibrosis groups. Demographic data and laboratory studies on plasma samples were obtained within 6 months of liver biopsy. Wild-type and PAR2-KO (C57BL/6 F2rl1) mice were fed either normal or high fat diet for 16 weeks and plasma and liver assayed for lipids and soluble metabolites.
NAFLD の重症度と血漿コレステロール値は、NAFLD 患者の肝細胞 PAR2 発現と有意に相関していた。逆に、マウスのPAR2欠損は、コレステロール合成に関与する肝細胞の主要遺伝子の発現を低下させ、血漿コレステロールと総肝コレステロールを50%低下させ、逆コレステロール輸送系を誘導し、糞便胆汁酸の出力を25%上昇させた。PAR2欠損マウスは、ケトジェニックシフトと肝臓の糖新生の予期せぬ増加を伴う脂肪酸β酸化の亢進を示した。また、G-Jnk1/2は、肝臓における脂質およびコレステロールの恒常性調節におけるプロテアーゼ活性化PAR2の鍵となる下流エフェクターであることが明らかになった。
RESULTS: Severity of NAFLD and plasma cholesterol levels significantly correlated with hepatocyte PAR2 expression in NAFLD patients. Conversely, PAR2 deficiency in mice resulted in reduced expression of key hepatic genes involved in cholesterol synthesis, a 50% drop in plasma and total liver cholesterol, and induced a reverse cholesterol transport system that culminated in 25% higher fecal bile acid output. PAR2-deficient mice exhibited enhanced fatty acid β-oxidation with a ketogenic shift and an unexpected increase in liver glycogenesis. Mechanistic studies identified G-Jnk1/2 as key downstream effectors of protease-activated PAR2 in the regulation of lipid and cholesterol homeostasis in liver.
CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that PAR2 may be a new target for the suppression of plasma cholesterol and hepatic fat accumulation in NAFLD and related metabolic conditions.
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