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BJU Int..2019 11;124 Suppl 1:5-13. doi: 10.1111/bju.14876.Epub 2019-10-22.

TheraP:進行性転移性去勢抵抗性前立腺がんを対象としたLu-PSMA-617セラノシス治療 vs カバジタキセルの無作為化第2相試験(Clinical Trial Protocol ANZUP 1603)

TheraP: a randomized phase 2 trial of Lu-PSMA-617 theranostic treatment vs cabazitaxel in progressive metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (Clinical Trial Protocol ANZUP 1603).

  • Michael S Hofman
  • Louise Emmett
  • John Violet
  • Alison Y Zhang
  • Nicola J Lawrence
  • Martin Stockler
  • Roslyn J Francis
  • Amir Iravani
  • Scott Williams
  • Arun Azad
  • Andrew Martin
  • Margaret McJannett
  • Ian D Davis
PMID: 31638341 DOI: 10.1111/bju.14876.




OBJECTIVE: To assess the activity and safety of cabazitaxel chemotherapy vs that of treatment with Lu-PSMA-617, a novel radiolabelled small molecule that binds with high affinity to prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA), in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) who have received prior docetaxel treatment.


TheraP試験(ANZUP 1603)は、男性のmCRPC治療におけるカバジタキセル化学療法とLu-PSMA-617療法の活性と安全性を比較する非盲検、無作為化、層別化、2群多施設共同第2相試験です。主な適格基準は、ドセタキセル化学療法の既往歴、前立腺特異抗原(PSA)値の上昇、中央審査を受けたGa-PSMA-11およびフルオロデオキシグルコース(FDG)-陽電子放射断層撮影(PET)/コンピュータ断層撮影(CT)で定義された十分なPSMA貪食度、FDG貪食PSMA陰性部位の不一致がないことです。対照群の患者さんには、カバジタキセル(20mg/m)を3週間ごとに点滴静注し、プレドニゾロン10mgを1日1回経口投与し、最大10サイクルの標準治療を行います。実験群では、Lu-PSMA-617(8.5GBqを1サイクルあたり0.5GBqずつ減少させる)を6週間ごとにi.v.で投与し、最大6サイクルまで投与する。治療後に中央で行われた単一光子放出CT画像検査で例外的な奏効が認められた場合、治療は中止されますが、進行した場合には治療を再開することができます。本試験では、200名の患者を対象に、2つの治療群のいずれかに1:1の割合で集中的に無作為に割り付けられることを目標としている。一次エンドポイントはPSA反応。副次評価項目は、全生存期間、無増悪生存期間(PFS)、X線撮影PFS、PSA PFS、客観的腫瘍反応、疼痛反応、疼痛PFS、健康関連QOL、有害事象の頻度と重症度。また、Ga-PSMA-11およびFluorine-18 ( F)-FDG-PET/CTスキャンのスクリーニングで、PSMAの吸収率が低い、またはFDG吸収率が不一致な疾患を理由に除外された患者さんの治療法と転帰についても評価します。本試験の登録は2018年1月29日に開始された。

PATIENTS AND METHODS: The TheraP trial (ANZUP 1603) is an open-label, randomized, stratified, two-arm multicentre phase 2 trial comparing the activity and safety of cabazitaxel chemotherapy vs Lu-PSMA-617 therapy in the treatment of men with mCRPC. Key eligibility criteria include prior docetaxel chemotherapy, rising prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level, sufficient PSMA avidity, as defined by centrally reviewed Ga-PSMA-11 and fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) with no discordant FDG-avid PSMA-negative sites of disease. Patients in the control group receive standard treatment with cabazitaxel (20 mg/m ) i.v. every 3 weeks with prednisolone 10 mg daily orally, for a maximum of 10 cycles. Patients in the experimental group receive Lu-PSMA-617 (8.5 GBq decreasing by 0.5 GBq per cycle) i.v. every 6 weeks, for up to a maximum of six cycles. In the event of an exceptional response as defined on centrally reviewed post-therapy single-photon emission CT imaging, treatment will be suspended but can recommence on progression. The trial aims to include 200 patients who will be centrally randomized to one of the two treatment groups, in a 1:1 ratio. The primary endpoint is PSA response. Secondary endpoints are overall survival, progression-free survival (PFS), radiographic PFS, PSA PFS, objective tumour response, pain response, pain PFS, health-related quality of life, and frequency and severity of adverse events. The treatment and outcomes of patients excluded on the basis of low PSMA avidity or discordant FDG-avid disease on screening Ga-PSMA-11 and Fluorine-18 ( F)-FDG-PET/CT scan will also be assessed. Enrolment in the study commenced on 29 January 2018.



RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Lu-PSMA-617 offers a potential additional life-prolonging treatment option for men with mCRPC. The results of this trial will determine, for the first time in a randomized design, the activity and safety of Lu-PSMA-617, as compared with cabazitaxel chemotherapy in men with progressive mCRPC.

© 2019 The Authors BJU International © 2019 BJU International Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.