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Otolaryngol Pol.2019 Apr;73(4):21-28. 01.3001.0013.1535. doi: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.1535.

DiagnoScope Specialistソフトウェアを用いた機能性喉頭および器質性喉頭障害患者の声楽器の音響的および容量分析

Acoustic and capacity analysis of the vocal organ in patients with functional and organic larynx disorders using the DiagnoScope Specialist software.

  • Kalina Owczarek
  • Piotr Niewiadomski
  • Jurek Olszewski
PMID: 31474623 DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.1535.



本研究の目的は、DiagnoScope Specialistソフトウェアを用いた歌声の音響分析とキャパシティ分析を評価することであった。

AIM: The aim of the study was to assess the acoustic and capacity analysis of singing voice using DiagnoScope Specialist software.


本研究は、21~51歳の女性74名、男性46名の計131名の成人を対象に、3つのグループに分けて実施した。I-40名(治療群)-プロの声楽家、II-40名(治療群)-セミプロの声楽家、III-40名(対照群)-ウッチ医科大学軍医学部の学生-非歌手の3群に分けた。研究方法は以下の通りである:初診歴、身体検査(耳鼻咽喉科)、ビデオ喉頭鏡検査、主観的な声の評価のためのGRBASスケール、DiagnoScope Specialistソフトウェアを用いた診断的な声の音響・容量分析、声の質に影響を与える可能性のある生活習慣の調査。結果。基本周波数F0の平均値は、女性では316.46Hz、男性では165.09Hzで、プロの声楽家グループで最も高かった。セミプロの声楽家グループでは260.50 Hzと149.26 Hz、非プロの声楽家グループでは261.23 Hzと159.27 Hzであった。ジッターの平均値は、プロの声楽家グループでは女性0.30%、男性0.54%であり、半プロの声楽家グループでは0.31%、0.57%、非プロの声楽家グループでは0.31%、0.56%であった。シマーパラメータの平均値は、プロの声楽家グループでは女性で3.27%、男性で3.75%、半プロの声楽家グループでは3.46%、3.77%、非歌手グループでは4.33%、4.39%であった。NHR指数の平均値は、プロの声楽家グループでは女性で3.28%、男性で6.00%、半プロの声楽家グループでは3.23%、6.72%、非歌手グループでは3.89%、6.13%であった。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was conducted in 131 adult subjects, including 74 women and 46 men aged 21-51, divided into 3 groups: I - 40 subjects (treatment group) - professional vocalists, II - 40 subjects (treatment group) - semiprofessional vocalists, III - 40 subjects (control group) - students of The Military Medical Faculty at the Medical University of Lodz - nonsingers. The research methodology included: primary medical history, physical examination (otolaryngological), videolaryngoscopic examination, the GRBAS scale for subjective voice evaluation, diagnostic voice acoustic and capacity analysis using DiagnoScope Specialist software, survey on lifestyle patterns which may affect voice quality. R esults: Average value of the fundamental frequency F0 was the highest in professional vocalists group; it was 316.46 Hz in women and 165.09 Hz in men. In semiprofessional vocalists group it was accordingly 260.50 Hz and 149.26 Hz, in nonsingers group it was accordingly 261.23 Hz and 159.27 Hz. The mean value of Jitter parameter in professional vocalists group was 0.30% in women and 0.54% in men, in semiprofessional vocalists group it was accordingly 0.31% and 0.57%, in nonsingers group it was 0.31% and 0.56%. The mean value of Shimmer parameter in professional vocalists group was 3.27% in women and 3.75% in men, in semiprofessional vocalists group it was accordingly 3.46% and 3.77%, in nonsingers group it was 4.33% and 4.39%. The mean value of the NHR index in professional vocalists group was 3.28% in women and 6.00% in men, in semiprofessional vocalists group it was accordingly 3.23% and 6.72%, in nonsingers group it was 3.89% and 6.13%.



CONCLUSIONS: Values of the parameters which measure the character of the voice, relative period-to-period fundamental frequency perturbations, relative period-to-period amplitude perturbation and level of buzzing together with other methods have diagnostic and predictive value in early detection of voice disorders. Capacity analysis in singing voice showed very low values of the following parameters: phonation time, true phonation time, no phonation coefficient, voice efficiency coefficient and voice capacity.