Pseudo-bipolar spindle formation and cell division in postnatal binucleated cardiomyocytes.
PMID: 31301302 DOI: 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2019.07.005.
BACKGROUND: The majority of adult human, mouse and rat cardiomyocytes is not diploid mononucleated. Nevertheless, the current literature on heart regeneration based on cardiomyocyte proliferation focuses mainly on the proliferation capacity of diploid mononucleated cardiomyocytes, instead of the more abundant mononucleated polyploid or binucleated cardiomyocytes. Here, we aimed at a better understanding of the process of mitosis and cell division in postnatal binucleated cardiomyocytes.
生後ラット二核化心筋細胞をウシ胎児血清または線維芽細胞増殖因子1とp38 MAPキナーゼ阻害剤の組み合わせで刺激し、細胞周期に再突入させた。二核化した心筋細胞は一つのメタフェースプレートを形成し、その後に優先的にサイトカインシス不全を起こすことが、位相コントラストビデオから明らかになった。ビデオで記録された二核化心筋細胞の最大細胞分裂率は約6%であった。また、有糸分裂した二核心筋細胞の遠心極数を免疫蛍光分析したところ、これらの細胞には4個以上の遠心極が存在し、それらは対になっている場合もあれば、対になっていない場合もあることが明らかになった。このように、複数の求心極が対をなしている場合や対をなしていない場合と同様に、分裂期の二核化心筋細胞では、チューブリン-GFPの蛍光ライブイメージングを用いて多極子の形成が観察された。多極子は一過性のものであり、細胞分裂とサイトカインシスが失敗した場合の両方で疑似双極子スピンドルに分解された。注目すべきことに、遠心極はほとんどの場合、娘細胞間で不均等に分布していた。
METHODS AND RESULTS: Postnatal rat binucleated cardiomyocytes were stimulated to re-enter the cell cycle either by fetal bovine serum or a combination of fibroblast growth factor 1 and p38 MAP kinase inhibitor. Phase-contrast videos revealed that binucleated cardiomyocytes form one metaphase plate and preferentially undergo afterwards cytokinesis failure. The maximum rate of cell division of video-recorded binucleated cardiomyocytes was around 6%. Immunofluorescence analyses of centriole number in mitotic binucleated cardiomyocytes revealed that these cells contain more than four centrioles, which can be paired as well as unpaired. In agreement with multiple and/or unpaired centrioles, multipolar spindle formation was observed in mitotic binucleated cardiomyocytes using fluorescence live imaging of tubulin-GFP. Multipoles were transient and resolved into pseudo-bipolar spindles both in case of cell division and cytokinesis failure. Notably, centrioles were in most cases unevenly distributed among daughter cells.
CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that postnatal binucleated cardiomyocytes upon stimulation can enter mitosis, cope with their multiple and/or unpaired centrioles by forming pseudo-bipolar spindles, and divide.
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