Comparison of upper airway measurement by lateral cephalogram in upright position and CBCT in supine position.
PMID: 31205607 PMCID: PMC6558349. DOI: 10.1016/j.jds.2019.01.007.
Background/Purpose: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a common form of sleep disorder. Lateral cephalograms and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) have been used for evaluation. However, it is lack of position comparison for these two assessments. Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate the difference of upper airway measurements taken from lateral cephalograms in upright position and CBCT in supine position.
Material and methods: This retrospective study enrolled patients with lateral cephalograms and CBCT images due to diagnostic necessity. The anterior-posterior distance of most constricted area in pharynx (PASmin) and the distance from mandibular plane to hyoid bone (MP-H) were identified and measured from 21 normal subjects without obstructive sleep apnea (9 males and 12 females, mean age 21.2 years). A paired data were measured from lateral cephalograms taken in upright position and lateral cephalometric images derived from CBCT taken in supine position. Both images were taken within two months. All data were analyzed statistically.
検査者間の信頼性に有意差は認められなかった(P>0.05)。直立姿勢での側頭葉画像から測定したPASminは、CBCT由来のセファロ画像から測定したPASminよりも大きかったが、統計的に有意な差は認められなかった(P=0.073)。MP-Hの長さは、2種類の撮影方法間で有意差が認められ(P=0.000)、立位で撮影したセファログラムの方が有意に大きくなっていた。本研究では、変数(BMI(Body Mass Index)、年齢、性別)の間に相関関係は認められなかった。相関する2つの変数はPASminとMP-Hのみであり、それらは負の相関があった(r=-0.535)。
Results: No significant difference was identified in intra-examiner reliability (P > 0.05). PASmin measured from lateral cephalograms in upright position was larger than that taken from CBCT derived cephalometric images, but without statistical significant difference (P = 0.073). Significant difference of MP-H length was identified between two different image taking methods (P = 0.000), and the measurement was significantly larger in cephalograms taken from upright position. No correlations were found among the variables (Body Mass Index (BMI), age, gender) in this study. The only two variables correlated were PASmin and MP-H, and they were negatively correlated (r = -0.535).
Conclusion: The anterior-posterior distance of most constricted area in pharynx (PASmin) and distance of mandibular plane to hyoid bone (MP-H) can be influenced due to change of body position.