PMID: 30570970
幼児期の乳歯列におけるう蝕の存在は、早期小児う蝕(ECC)と呼ばれ、生後71ヶ月までの乳歯列における1本以上の虫歯、欠損歯(う蝕による)、充填歯と定義される。哺乳瓶症候群」、「哺乳瓶う蝕」、「哺乳瓶口う蝕」は、乳歯上切歯と臼歯がより重度に破壊されるう蝕のパターンを表す名称である。このタイプのう蝕の主な特徴は、下切歯がほとんど侵されていないことである。ランパントカリエス(rampant caries)とは、通常、3~4歳の小児が罹患する広範なカリエスで、哺育カリエスパターンに従わないものを指す。幼児期のう蝕は容易に予防可能であるにもかかわらず、世界中で最も蔓延している小児疾患のひとつであり、主に社会的に恵まれない人々に影響を及ぼしている。
The presence of dental caries in the primary dentition of young children is known as early childhood caries (ECC), which is defined as one or more decayed, missing (resulting from caries) or filled teeth in primary dentition in children of up to 71 months of age. The term early childhood caries includes the sometimes called nursing caries and rampant caries. “Baby bottle syndrome,” “nursing caries,” or “bottle mouth caries” are names to describe a pattern of caries where the deciduous upper incisors and molars are more severely disrupted. A key feature of this type of caries is the sparing of the lower incisors, which can be completely healthy or mildly affected. The term rampant caries is usually given to extensive caries affecting children of three to four years of age that do not follow the nursing caries pattern. Despite early childhood caries can be easily preventable, it is one of the most prevalent childhood diseases worldwide, mainly affecting socially disadvantaged populations.