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Int J Clin Pediatr Dent.2018 Mar-Apr;11(2):66-70.


Comparison of the Effectiveness of Probiotic, Chlorhexidine-based Mouthwashes, and Oil Pulling Therapy on Plaque Accumulation and Gingival Inflammation in 10- to 12-year-old Schoolchildren: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

PMID: 29991855




Introduction: The use of a mouthwash augments mechanical removal of plaque by brushing and flossing and helps maintain oral health through its antiplaque and antibacterial chemical properties.



Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of a probiotic mouthwash, sesame oil pulling therapy, and chlorhexidine-based mouth-wash on plaque accumulation and gingival inflammation in schoolchildren aged 10 to 12 years.


無作為化比較試験では、インドのタミル・ナードゥ州TiruchengodeにあるGovernment High Schoolで学ぶ10歳から12歳の健康な学童45名を対象としました。参加者は無作為にI、II、IIIの3つのグループに分けられ、各グループに15人の子どもが参加しました。Iグループはプロバイオティックマウスウォッシュ、IIグループはクロルヘキシジンマウスウォッシュ、IIIグループはゴマ油を使用しました。プラークインデックス(PI)と修正ジンジバルインデックス(GI)のベースラインスコアを記録した後、フルマウスでの口腔内予防を行った。指定されたマウスリンスがそれぞれのグループに配布され、1日1回リンスするように指示されました。洗口液を使用している間は、両親が子供たちを監督した。15日目と30日目に、子供たちは同じ臨床測定を受けた。子どもたちが自分の歯垢コントロール方法に納得しているかどうかを、修正したフェイシャルイメージスケールを用いて評価した。

Materials and methods: The randomized controlled trial included 45 healthy schoolchildren aged 10 to 12 years and studying in Government High School, Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, India. The participants were randomly divided into three groups, I, II, and III, with 15 children in each group as follows: group I: probiotic mouthwash; group II: chlorhexidine mouthwash; and group III: sesame oil. Baseline scores of plaque index (PI) and modified gingival index (GI) were recorded followed by a full mouth oral prophylaxis. The designated mouth rinses were distributed to the respective groups and they were instructed to rinse once daily. Their parents supervised the children during the use of mouthwash. On the 15th and 30th day, the children were subjected to the same clinical measurements. Children's acceptance of their plaque control method was assessed using a modified facial image scale.



Results: Intragroup comparisons for both the GI and PI scores were statistically significant (p ≤ 0.001) in all the three groups. Difference in the GI scores between the 15th and 30th day was statistically significant for chlorhexidine group alone (p = 0.024). Intergroup comparisons between the three groups were not statistically significant.


プロバイオティクスマウスウォッシュ,クロルヘキシジンマウスウォッシュ,ゴマ油は,小児の歯垢を減少させ,歯肉の状態を改善するのに同等の効果があった。15日目と30日目の歯肉のスコアの差は、クロルヘキシジン群で統計的に有意であった。Kandaswamy SK, Sharath A, Priya PRG.プロバイオティクス、クロルヘキシジンベースの洗口剤、オイルプリング療法の10歳から12歳の学童における歯垢蓄積と歯肉の炎症に対する効果の比較。A Randomized Controlled Trial.Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2018;11(2):66-70.

Conclusion: Probiotic mouthwash, chlorhexidine mouthwash, and sesame oil were equally effective in reducing plaque and in improving the gingival status of children. The difference between the gingival scores on the 15th and 30th day was statistically significant in the chlorhexidine group. Kandaswamy SK, Sharath A, Priya PRG. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Probiotic, Chlorhexidine-based Mouthwashes, and Oil Pulling Therapy on Plaque Accumulation and Gingival Inflammation in 10- to 12-year-old Schoolchildren: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2018;11(2):66-70.