Color comparison between non-vital and vital teeth.
PMID: 29930792
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to define a color space of non-vital teeth and to compare it with the color space of matched vital teeth, recorded in the same patients.
17歳から70歳までの患者218名を対象に、臨床用分光光度計(Vita Easyshade Advance)を用いて、359本の脱離歯の頬側表面中央3分の1を測定した。明度(L)、色パラメーター(a, b)、彩度(C)、色相角(h)、Classicalおよび3D Masterのコード化で最も近いVitaシェードを記録した。各患者について、同じデータを重要な基準歯に記録した。測定は、色評価のための標準化されたプロトコルを使用して、同じオペレーターが同じ分光光度計で行った。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a group of 218 patients, with the age range from 17 to 70, the middle third of the buccal surface of 359 devitalized teeth was measured using a clinical spectrophotometer (Vita Easyshade Advance). Lightness (L), chromatic parameters (a, b), chroma (C), hue angle (h) and the closest Vita shade in Classical and 3D Master codifications were recorded. For each patient, the same data were recorded in a vital reference tooth. The measurements were performed by the same operator with the same spectrophotometer, using a standardized protocol for color evaluation.
RESULTS: The color coordinates of non-vital teeth varied as follows: lightness L: 52.83-92.93, C: 8.23-58.90, h: 51.20-101.53, a: -2.53-24.80, b: 8.10-53.43. For the reference vital teeth, the ranges of color parameters were: L: 60.90-97.16, C: 8.43-39.23, h: 75.30-101.13, a: -2.36-9.60, b: 8.36-39.23. The color differences between vital and non-vital teeth depended on tooth group, but not on patient age.
CONCLUSION: Non-vital teeth had a wider color space than vital ones. Non-vital teeth were darker (decreased lightness), more saturated (increased chroma), and with an increased range of the hue interval. An increased tendency towards positive values on the a and b axes suggested redder and yellower non-vital teeth compared to vital ones.