The effect of toothbrushing and flossing sequence on interdental plaque reduction and fluoride retention: A randomized controlled clinical trial.
PMID: 29741239 DOI: 10.1002/JPER.17-0149.
BACKGROUND: Mechanical plaque control methods such as brushing and flossing are highly recommended to remove dental plaque. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the sequence of brushing and flossing on reducing interdental plaque and increasing fluoride retention in that area.
この無作為化対照クロスオーバー試験は、25名の歯科学生を対象に実施された。予防後、48時間、すべての形態の口腔衛生を中止するように求められた。研究は2週間の洗浄間隔で2つのフェーズに分けて実施された。1つの段階では、まずブラッシングを行い、次にフロスを行った(シーケンス1:ブラッシング・フロス群)。もう一つの段階では、最初にデンタルフロスを使用してからブラッシングを行った(シーケンス2:フロス-ブラッシング群)。各相において、フロスおよびブラッシングの前後で歯垢(Rustogi Modified Navy Plaque Indexを用いて)およびフッ化物濃度(フッ化物イオン比電極を用いて)を測定し、混合モデル検定を用いて両群間で歯垢の減少およびフッ化物の増加を比較した。有意水準は5%を選択した。
METHODS: This randomized controlled crossover trial was conducted on 25 dental students. After prophylaxis, they were asked to discontinue all forms of oral hygiene for 48 hours. The study was performed in two phases with two-week washout intervals. In one phase, they first brushed, then flossed (sequence 1: brush-floss group). In the other phase they initially used dental floss then brushed (sequence 2: floss-brush group). At each phase, dental plaque (using the Rustogi Modified Navy Plaque Index) and fluoride concentrations (using a fluoride ion specific electrode) were measured before and after flossing and brushing, and the dental plaque reduction and fluoride increase were compared between the two groups using the mixed model test. A significance level of 5% was selected.
RESULTS: In the floss-brush group interdental and whole plaque was reduced significantly more than the brush-floss group (p = 0.001, p = 0.009 respectively). However, marginal plaque did not show any statistically significant difference between the two groups (p = 0.2). Fluoride concentrations in interdental plaque were significantly higher in the floss-brush group than the other group (p = 0.027).
CONCLUSION: The results showed that flossing followed by brushing is preferred to brushing then flossing in order to reduce interdental plaque and increase fluoride concentration in interdental plaque.
© 2018 American Academy of Periodontology.