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Ann Work Expo Health.2018 Apr;62(4):505-515.


Observed Differences between Males and Females in Surgically Treated Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Among Non-manual Workers: A Sensitivity Analysis of Findings from a Large Population Study.

PMID: 29579135




OBJECTIVES: We aimed at assessing whether differences among males and females in carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) epidemiology might be attributable to segregation with respect to occupational biomechanical exposures or differential access to care by sex.


1997年から2000年の間にトスカーナの非手作業従事者の間で発生したCTSの外科的治療を受けた症例を分析した。モンテカルロシミュレーションを行い、観察された発生率比を説明するのに必要な男女間の職業的生体力学的曝露の差を推定した。また、CTSの診断後に手術を受ける性特異的確率を考慮した。米国産業衛生専門家会議(American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists)によって提唱された手の活動レベル(HAL)という指標を用いて、仮想的な生体力学的過負荷を定量化した。CTSリスクに対するHALの影響を定量化するため、産業労働者を対象とした2つの大規模コホート研究から得られた知見に基づく事前分布を仮定した。

METHODS: We analysed surgically treated cases of CTS occurring among non-manual workers in Tuscany between 1997 and 2000. We conducted a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the difference in occupational biomechanical exposures between males and females necessary to explain the observed incidence rate ratios. We also accounted for the sex-specific probability of receiving surgery after the diagnosis of CTS, as women were reported to be more likely to undergo surgery in a subset of our study population. We quantified the hypothetical biomechanical overload through the hand activity level (HAL) metric proposed by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. To quantify the effect of HAL on CTS risk, we assumed a prior distribution based on findings from two large cohort studies of industrial workers.



RESULTS: After adjustment for the probability of receiving surgery, women showed a 4-fold incidence of CTS as compared with men. To explain this association among non-manual workers, women should have an average value of HAL at least 5 points higher.



CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis does not support the hypothesis that the difference in CTS incidence between males and females is entirely attributable to occupational risk factors or to differential access to surgery. The causal pathway between sex and CTS might include more determinants such as hormonal factors, anthropometric characteristics, and non-occupational exposure to biomechanical overload (e.g. household tasks).