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BMC Vet. Res..2017 Oct;13(1):302. 10.1186/s12917-017-1214-1. doi: 10.1186/s12917-017-1214-1.Epub 2017-10-12.


A description of the gross pathology of drowning and other causes of mortality in seabirds.

  • Victor R Simpson
  • David N Fisher
PMID: 29025396 PMCID: PMC5639757. DOI: 10.1186/s12917-017-1214-1.




BACKGROUND: Mortality of seabirds due to anthropogenic causes, especially entrapment in fishing gear, is a matter of increasing international concern. This study aimed at characterising the gross pathology of seabirds that drowned in fishing nets and comparing it with that in other common causes of mortality.


1981年から2016年の間にコーンウォールで座礁しているのが発見された103羽のコモンギリエモン、32羽のカミソリドリ、37羽のシャグ、5羽のグレートノーザンダイバーを対象に死後検査を行った。漁網での溺死が確認された事例(95羽)で死亡した鳥の病理を、溺死の疑いのある事例(6羽)、油(53羽)とポリイソブチレン(PIB)(3羽)の汚染、悪天候(6羽)、原因不明の座礁事例(14羽)と比較した。溺死した鳥の大部分は栄養状態が良く、死んだばかりで、約50%の鳥は近位腸に魚を摂取したばかりであった。主な病変は、黒っぽい血液を伴う心臓と大静脈の重度の膨満、激しいうっ血、腫れと滲出性の肺で、肺を切除すると白い泡状の液体が放出され、気嚢内の水様の液体は、ケースの保存状態に応じて透明から深紅色に変化した。PIB の影響を受けた鳥は栄養状態が良好で、病理学的には溺死が確認された事例とほぼ一致しており、溺死が最終的な死因である可能性が高い。油の影響を受けた鳥、悪天候の影響を受けた鳥、原因不明で座礁した鳥は、いずれも貧弱または衰弱した状態であり、平均体重はギレモツとカミソリバエがそれぞれ溺死した鳥の53%と57%であった。消化管にはほとんど、あるいは全く食物がなく、多くは腸管の炎症、出血、潰瘍化が見られた。気嚢内に体液を持っていた者はおらず、心臓・呼吸器系に著しい病変を示した者はいませんでした。

RESULTS: Post-mortem examinations were performed on 103 common guillemots, 32 razorbills, 37 shags and 5 great northern divers found stranded in Cornwall during 1981-2016. Pathology in birds that died in confirmed incidents of drowning in fishing nets (n = 95) was compared with that in cases of suspected drowning (n = 6), oil (n = 53) and polyisobutylene (PIB) (n = 3) pollution, adverse weather (n = 6) and stranding of unknown cause (14). The majority of drowned birds were in good nutritional state, freshly dead and approximately 50% had freshly ingested fish in their proximal gut. Principle lesions were: gross distention of the heart and major veins with dark blood, intensely congested, swollen and oedematous lungs which released white frothy fluid when excised, watery fluid in the air sacs that ranged from clear to deep red depending on state of carcase preservation. PIB-affected birds were in good nutritional state; their pathology was largely consistent with that in confirmed drowning cases; it is likely that drowning was the ultimate cause of death. Birds affected by oil, adverse weather or that stranded due to unknown cause were all in poor or emaciated condition, the mean body mass of the guillemots and razorbills being, respectively, 53 and 57% of those that drowned. They had little or no food in their alimentary tracts and many showed evidence of enteric inflammation, haemorrhage and ulceration. None had fluid in their air sacs and none showed significant cardio-respiratory system lesions.



CONCLUSIONS: Drowned birds consistently showed a distinctive set of gross pathological lesions. When combined with contemporaneous observations, the pathology may be sufficient to permit a diagnosis of drowning, especially where a batch of freshly dead birds are examined. The observations in this study are likely to be of value when investigating stranding incidents, particularly where it is suspected that legislation aimed at protecting seabirds is not being complied with.