Vision and lack of vision in the ocean.
PMID: 28586686 DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.03.012.
As land-locked animals, when we visualise the ocean our mind's eye may see crashing waves or a vast blue expanse stretching to the horizon, a raft of torpedoing penguins, a glimpse of colourful coral reef fish from the shark-free safety of a sandy beach. Underwater, the crystal-clear, and in fact not at all silent, world of Jacques Cousteau, or more recently David Attenborough, is a wonderland that some cannot wait to witness first hand as divers, while others are content to see it on a screen. Spend a bit of time underwater, in the English Channel for example, and a few facts emerge. Most obviously, much of this underwater realm is visually very different to land and indeed to the cherry-picked clear waters of documentaries. It may be disappointingly murky and monochromatic. Perhaps surprisingly, therefore, on close inspection the diversity of eye designs and light sensing mechanisms that evolved in the ocean are more varied than on land, reflecting the greater range of light environments and lifestyles of the marine world. Particularly in the last ten years, the destructive influence we are having on the oceans has become visibly obvious, not just to fisheries biologists and ecologists, but to anyone returning to a favourite dive spot or reef resort. Climate change, as a result of burning fossil fuels, human greed and carelessness with plastic disposal, are rapidly degrading entire oceanic ecosystems.
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