Is a new sonic toothbrush more effective in plaque removal than a manual toothbrush?
PMID: 25793947
AIM: Powered or manual toothbrushes are daily-used instrument in the Western area for the control and removal of bacterial biofilm. Among powered-toothbrushes, sonic technology has shown to produce fluid turbulent activity that might assist in plaque removal; however, limited knowledge is available in-vivo. The objectives of this study were to compare the plaque removal efficacy of two different toothbrushes in a population not familiar with sonic technology, and to collect and analyse data regarding oral hygiene habits. The null-hypothesis was that a sonic toothbrush is able to remove a superior amount of plaque compared to the manual type.
本試験には40人の若年成人患者が登録された。単一コホートクロスオーバー臨床試験を計画した。1週間後(T1)には、ベースライン時と無作為に選択された手動または音波装置を用いてブラッシングを行ってもらった後に、プラーク評価(Turesky modification of the Quigley and Hein index)を行った。最後の受診時(3週目,T2)には,T1と同様のプラーク評価を,もう一方の歯ブラシでのブラッシングを繰り返して行った.口全体の指標が計算され、試験した2つの歯ブラシについて、口全体のプラークスコアの平均減少量(ブラッシング前の値からブラッシング後の値を差し引いた値)が得られた。多重分散分析(Multiple ANOVA)検定(p = 0.05)を用いて、1)ベースライン時と歯ブラシの種類に関係なく、ベースライン時と歯磨き後の男女間のプラークレベルを比較し、2)歯ブラシの種類(手動と音波)による口内全体のプラークスコアの平均減少量を区別するために行った。研究集団を記述的統計分析の対象とし,社会統計学的変数と得られたプラークスコアとの間の潜在的な関係を評価した(Mann-Whitney検定およびKruskal-Wallis検定).
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty young adult patients were enrolled in the study. A single-cohort crossover clinical trial was designed. For each patient, three appointments were scheduled: the first (T0) was used for oral care education and explanations of toothbrushes techniques, for a preliminary professional hygiene session, and for delivery of a questionnaire; at one week (T1), plaque evaluation was performed (Turesky modification of the Quigley and Hein index) at baseline and after asking patients to brush with the randomly selected manual or sonic device. At the last appointment (week 3, T2), the same plaque evaluations of T1 were repeated asking patients to brush with the other toothbrush. Entire mouth indexes were calculated and mean reductions in whole mouth plaque scores were obtained (pre-brushing minus post-brushing values) for the two tested toothbrushes. Multiple ANOVA tests (p = 0.05 ) were used 1) to compare plaque levels between male and female subjects at baseline and post-brushing, regardless the type of toothbrush, and 2) to differentiate between mean reductions in whole mouth plaque scores according to the type of toothbrush (manual versus sonic). The study population was subjected to descriptive statistical analysis; potential relationships between socio-demographic variables and obtained plaque scores were evaluated (Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests).
ブラッシング後のセッションでは,装置にかかわらず,フルマウスプラークレベルは約62%減少した(p<0.0001).手動歯ブラシと音波歯ブラシの平均プラーク指数低下率は、それぞれ1.05±0.22、1.19±0.37であった。2つの装置の間には統計的に有意な差が認められた(p = 0.0342).電動音波歯ブラシは、手動タイプよりも約10%多くの歯垢を除去した。アンケート調査で得られた金銭的なデータから,患者の歯ブラシ購入に対する経済的な努力を表すWTP値は,手動式が4.83±3.86ユーロ,音波式が54.75±36ユーロであった.
RESULTS: Full-mouth plaque levels were reduced at post-brushing sessions, regardless the device, by approximately 62% (p<0.0001). Mean plaque index reductions for manual and sonic toothbrush were of 1.05 ± 0.22 and 1.19 ± 0.37, respectively. A statistically significant difference was found between the two devices (p = 0.0342). The powered sonic toothbrush removed about 10% more plaque than the manual type. From the collected questionnaire financial data, willingness to pay (WTP) values expressing economic efforts of patients for the purchase of toothbrushes were of Euros 4.83 ± 3.86 and of Euros 54.75 ± 36, for the manual and sonic devices, respectively.
CONCLUSION: Within the limitations of the study, in subjects without any previous experience of a similar technology, the single use of the sonic toothbrush showed a significantly greater plaque reduction compared to the manual traditional toothbrush (null-hypothesis accepted).