Apical periodontitis in association with the quality of root fillings and coronal restorations: a 14-year investigation in young Greek adults.
PMID: 23094274
PURPOSE: To examine the possible association between the presence of apical periodontitis (AP) and the quality of endodontic treatment and coronal restoration over a time period of 14 years.
1995年から2008年の間に撮影された新入生候補生のパノラマX線写真1781枚を本研究の対象とした。歯周病の状態は、PAI(Periapical Index)スコアリングシステムを用いて評価した。二乗検定とロジスティック回帰分析を用いて、根尖病変と根充および歯冠修復物の品質との関連性を検討した。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: 1781 panoramic radiographs of freshmen cadets, taken between the years 1995-2008 were included in this study. The periapical status was evaluated using the Periapical Index (PAI) scoring system. The chisquare test and logistic regression analysis were used to examine associations between apical disease and the quality of both the root filling and the coronal restoration.
62.3%の歯が AP を示した.1995年から2001年のOPGは2002年から2008年のOPGに比べ,根充歯数およびAP有病率が高いことがわかった.歯冠修復の質と歯根充填の質(長さと側方封鎖)の両方がAPの存在と相関することがわかったが,最も有意に相関する要因は歯冠修復であると思われた(OR=0.404,95% CI: 0.174-0.940 ).
RESULTS: 62.3% of the examined teeth demonstrated AP. The number of root-filled teeth and the prevalence of AP were found to be higher in OPGs taken between 1995 and 2001 than those taken between 2002 and 2008. Both the quality of the coronal restoration and the quality of the root filling (length and lateral seal) were found to be correlated with the presence of AP, but the factor most significantly associated seemed to be the coronal restoration (OR = 0.404, 95% CI: 0.174-0.940).
CONCLUSION: The quality of the endodontic treatment in young Greek adults was poor but improved over the years. Both the quality of the endodontic treatment and coronal restoration appeared to affect the periapical status of the treated teeth. The factor that probably most determined the periapical health was the quality of the coronal restoration.