Where, when and why do tsetse contact humans? Answers from studies in a national park of Zimbabwe.
PMID: 22953013 PMCID: PMC3429383. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0001791.
BACKGROUND: Sleeping sickness, also called human African trypanosomiasis, is transmitted by the tsetse, a blood-sucking fly confined to sub-Saharan Africa. The form of the disease in West and Central Africa is carried mainly by species of tsetse that inhabit riverine woodland and feed avidly on humans. In contrast, the vectors for the East and Southern African form of the disease are usually savannah species that feed mostly on wild and domestic animals and bite humans infrequently, mainly because the odours produced by humans can be repellent. Hence, it takes a long time to catch many savannah tsetse from people, which in turn means that studies of the nature of contact between savannah tsetse and humans, and the ways of minimizing it, have been largely neglected.
ジンバブエのマナ・プールズ国立公園で、サバンナ・ツェツェツェ、Glossina morsitans morsitansとG. pallidipesが男性から捕獲された。漁獲物のほとんどは若いG.m. morsitansで、餌の予備はほとんどない。漁獲量は、男性が静止せずに歩いていた場合は4~8倍に増加し、時速10kmでトラックに乗っていた場合は約10倍に増加した。漁獲量は、男性が消臭剤を使用したり、人工的な牛の臭いをつけて餌を与えたりした場合は影響を受けませんでしたが、男性が牛と一緒にいる場合は約95%減少しました。驚くべきことに、通常の日常生活を送っている男性は、建物の中やその近くにいるときと、森林の中にいるときとでは、ほぼ同じくらい噛まれていた。牛や標準的な牛のような罠での捕獲は、男性を攻撃するツェツェの数や生理的状態の指標としては不十分であった。
METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The savannah tsetse, Glossina morsitans morsitans and G. pallidipes, were caught from men in the Mana Pools National park of Zimbabwe. Mostly the catch consisted of young G. m. morsitans, with little food reserve. Catches were increased by 4-8 times if the men were walking, not stationary, and increased about ten times more if they rode on a truck at 10 km/h. Catches were unaffected if the men used deodorant or were baited with artificial ox odour, but declined by about 95% if the men were with an ox. Surprisingly, men pursuing their normal daily activities were bitten about as much when in or near buildings as when in woodland. Catches from oxen and a standard ox-like trap were poor indices of the number and physiological state of tsetse attacking men.
CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The search for new strategies to minimize the contact between humans and savannah tsetse should focus on that occurring in buildings and vehicles. There is a need to design a man-like trap to help to provide an index of sleeping sickness risk.