A new method for volumetric evaluation of gingival recessions: a feasibility study.
PMID: 21563950
2010年に開催されたInternational and American Association for Dental ResearchのGeneral Session(スペイン・バルセロナ)で発表されたこの予備的なin vitro研究は、3次元(3D)光学スキャンとそれに続くスーパーインポーズの手順が、歯肉退縮の再現性のある体積評価に使用できるかどうかを評価するものである。
BACKGROUND: This preliminary in vitro study, presented at the General Session of the International and American Association for Dental Research in 2010 (Barcelona, Spain), evaluates whether three-dimensional (3D) optical scanning and subsequent superimposing procedures could be used for reproducible volumetric evaluation of gingival recession.
METHODS: Silicone impressions were taken of mandibular and maxillary master casts, and eight stone replicas of each master cast were produced. Each replica was scanned 10 times with a 3D optical system, and 3D datasets representing the computer-aided design reference models were calculated using a triangulation method. Marks designating gingival recession were scratched into the anterior segments of the replicas. The modified replicas were then scanned 10 times, and 3D datasets were calculated and subsequently superimposed. Differences in the volume of the gingival recession were recorded with reference to the initial data.
RESULTS: The determination of gingival recession volume was highly reproducible. For all replicas, the 3D optical method showed small standard deviations and intraclass correlation coefficients between 0.997 and 0.999.
この新しい方法は,石製レプリカにおける歯肉退縮痕の再現性のある体積評価を可能にするものである。このin vitroの結果を確認するためには,さらなる臨床試験が必要である.この方法により、術者は歯根被覆術後などの歯周軟組織の体積的な進行をコントロールし、再発を早期に発見することができる。
CONCLUSIONS: This new method allows the reproducible volumetric evaluation of gingival recession marks on stone replicas. Additional clinical trials are necessary to confirm these in vitro findings. This method allows the operator to control the volumetric progression of periodontal soft tissue, for example, after root coverage procedures and to detect relapses at an early stage.