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Spec Care Dentist.2011;31(2):58-62.


Oral health and oral motor function in children with cerebral palsy.

PMID: 21371066


本研究の目的は、ブラジル・ピアウイ州テレジーナ市の脳性麻痺児・青少年の口腔健康状態に及ぼす脳性麻痺の種類(CP)と口腔運動機能(OMF)の影響を評価することである。サンプルは、7歳から18歳までの52人のCPの子どもたちである。データはカイ二乗検定を用いて統計的に分析された。サンプルの73.1%において、被験者の介護者が毎日の口腔ケアを実施していた。毎日のケアの頻度と対象者の口腔衛生レベルとの間には有意な関連が認められた(p = 0.037)。クラスII不正咬合の診断は、対象者の55.8%に行われ、エナメル質形成不全は対象者の38.5%に認められた。DMFT(虫歯、欠損、充填歯)(平均値=1.09±1.64)と対象者の社会経済的地位との間には有意な相関関係は認められなかった(r=0.254、p=0.069)。四肢麻痺とOMFの間に有意な関連が認められた(χ2 = 7.88, p = 0.019)。CPの種類とOMFは、CPを有する小児の歯垢およびう蝕指数のレベルには影響しなかったが、歯磨きの頻度が増加した結果、口腔衛生指数は改善した。

The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the type of cerebral palsy (CP) and oral motor function (OMF) on the oral health status of children and adolescents with CP in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil. The sample consisted of 52 children with CP, aged 7 to 18 years. The data were statistically analyzed using chi-square tests. In 73.1% of the sample, the subjects’ caregivers carried out the daily oral care. There was a significant association between the frequency of daily care and the subject's level of oral hygiene (p = .037). A diagnosis of Class II malocclusion was made for 55.8% of the sample, and defects of enamel formation were found in 38.5% of the subjects. There was no significant correlation between DMFT (decayed, missing, filled teeth) (mean = 1.09 ± 1.64) and socioeconomic status of the subjects (r = .254, p = .069). A significant association was found between quadriplegia and OMF (χ2 = 7.88, p = .019). The type of CP and OMF did not influence the levels of plaque and caries indices in the children with CP, but increased frequency of toothbrushing did result in an improved oral hygiene index.