Interproximal gingivitis and plaque reduction by four interdental products.
PMID: 17022370
OBJECTIVE: The study was conducted to compare the performance of three interdental products to dental floss in the control and removal of plaque, and in the reduction of gingivitis.
140人20人の被験者を対象に、GUMO Go-Betweensクリーナーに適した大きさの近位間部位の存在、および包含基準と除外基準に適合しているかどうかをスクリーニングした。その後、ベースライン時にプラーク、歯肉炎、イーストマン歯間出血指数(EIBI)で評価し、予防薬を投与し、4つの製品(グライドデンタルフロス、バトラーフロス、GUM Go-Betweensクリーナー、GUM Soft-Picksクリーナー)のうちの1つに無作為に割り付け、製品の使用説明書を与えた。被験者は3週間後にコンプライアンスのレビューのために、6週間後に最終訪問のために戻ってきた。プラークは最終訪問時に、割り当てられた製品の使用前と使用後に評価された。プラーク、歯肉炎、出血のスコアは、ベースラインの測定値を共変量として用いた共分散分析によって評価された。
METHODOLOGY: One-hundred and twenty subjects were screened for the presence of interproximal sites of a size suitable for a GUMO Go-Betweens cleaner, and for being in compliance with inclusion and exclusion criteria. They were then assessed with the Plaque, Gingivitis, and Eastman Interdental Bleeding Indices (EIBI) at baseline, given a prophylaxis, randomly assigned to one of four products (Glide dental floss, Butler flossers, GUM Go-Betweens cleaners, and GUM Soft-Picks cleaners), and given product use instructions. Subjects returned at three weeks for a compliance review and at six weeks for a final visit. Plaque was assessed at the final visit before and after using the assigned products. Plaque, gingivitis, and bleeding scores were evaluated by analysis of covariance using the baseline measurements as the covariate.
ベースラインの歯垢を共変量とした最終診察時(6週間後)には、4つの歯間製品すべてがベースラインから使用前の歯間プラークを有意に減少させた。減少率は16~24%であった.同様に、最終訪問時に製品を使用した場合、使用前のプラークを共変量とした場合、プラークは26~31%減少した。歯間歯肉炎スコアは、言語的にも頬側にも減少が見られ、前者では27~36%、後者では34~53%の減少が見られた(ベースラインを共変量とした)。舌側歯間部の製品間には統計的な差は認められなかった。Go-Betweens クリーナーは、他の3つの製品と比較して、頬側のジンジバル指数スコアの統計的に大きな低下を示した。EIBIについては製品間で差は認められませんでした。
RESULTS: All four interdental products significantly reduced interdental plaque from baseline to before-use at the final visit (after six weeks) employing baseline plaque as a covariate. Reductions were 16% to 24%. Similarly, use of the products at the final visit resulted in 26% to 31% reductions in plaque with the before-use plaque as a covariate. Interdental gingivitis scores showed a reduction both lingually and buccally, with reductions ranging from 27% to 36% for the former and 34% to 53% for the latter (baseline was the covariate). No statistical differences were found between the products on the lingual interdental sites. The Go-Betweens cleaners showed a statistically greater reduction in the Gingival Index score buccally than the other three products. No differences were noted among the products for the EIBI.
CONCLUSION: In this study, dental floss, the recognized "gold standard" for gingivitis reduction, was matched in performance by flossers and an interdental cleaner with small elastomeric fingers, and surpassed by an interdental brush. All products performed comparably for plaque reduction and removal.