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J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad.2023;35(4):593-598.

根管治療歯の破折強度に及ぼす修復材料の影響:In Vitro Study

Impact Of Restorative Material On Fracture Strength Of Root Canal Treated Teeth: An In Vitro Study.

PMID: 38406942




BACKGROUND: There are several materials available in the market for the core buildup of endodontically treated teeth. The purpose of our study is to evaluate the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with composite resin, amalgam and glass ionomer cement as core buildup materials.


48本の下顎前臼歯を無作為に12本ずつ4群に分けた。The first group served as a control and consisted of intact sound teeth.度歯根管治療を度歯根管治療が度歯根管治療が歯牙の歯牙の歯牙歯牙歯牙歯牙歯牙歯牙歯牙歯牙歯牙歯牙グループIIでは、コア形成材としてコンポジットレジンを使用し、グループIIIではアマルガム、グループIVではGICを使用した。り、り、り、りりりりりり

METHODS: Forty-eight sound-extracted mandibular premolar teeth were randomly divided into 4 groups of 12 teeth each. The first group served as a control and consisted of intact sound teeth. In all of the remaining teeth, root canal treatment was performed first. In Group II composite resin was used as the core build-up material Group III amalgam and Group IV GIC. Teeth were then subjected to fracture using a universal testing machine.


年、年、年、年、年4回の年である。破折に必要な力の平均は、コントロールが1050 N、コンポジットが738 N、アマルガムが872 N、GICが567 Nであった。このばらつきは、p値0.003によって示されるように、統計的に有意であった。

RESULTS: One Way ANOVA test was performed to study the differences in the data of the four groups. The mean forces required for fracture were 1050 N for control teeth, 738 N for composite, 872 N for amalgam and 567 N for GIC. The variation is of statistical significance as depicted by a p-value of 0.003.



CONCLUSIONS: The highest strength was shown by intact sound teeth. Teeth restored with composite resin and amalgam had similar strengths and those with GIC had significantly lower resistance to fracture.