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Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.2023 Oct;38(5):855-875.


Technique-Related Survival Rate and Complications of Zygomatic Implant Placement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

PMID: 37847828




PURPOSE: To assess the survival rate (SR) and probability of postoperative complications at both the implant and patient level for each of the four surgical techniques for zygomatic implant (ZI) placement: Brånemark, sinus slot, extrasinus, and extramaxillary.


PRISMA(Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses)の勧告に基づき、萎縮した上顎無歯顎のリハビリテーションにおけるZIの生存率と術後合併症を報告した臨床研究の系統的な文献レビューとメタアナリシスを行った。文献検索では、2名の独立した査読者が4つのデータベースを参照した:MEDLINE(PubMed)、Google Scholar、Clinicaltrials.gov、LILACSである。重複論文は除外した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of clinical studies that reported the survival rate and postoperative ZI complications for the rehabilitation of atrophic edentulous maxillae was conducted based on PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) recommendations. Two independent reviewers consulted four databases during the literature search: MEDLINE (PubMed), Google Scholar, Clinicaltrials.gov, and LILACS. Duplicate articles were eliminated.


合計35件の研究がメタ解析に含まれた。サブグループ解析の結果、研究デザイン(前向き vs 後向き)はアウトカムに有意な影響を及ぼさなかった(P = 0.10)。SRはBrånemark法と腋窩外法で最も高く(100%)、サイナスロット法で最も低かった(94%;95%CI = 86%~102%)。顎外法(38%;95%CI=1%~3%)とBrånemark法(29%;95%CI=15%~44%)では、患者レベルの合併症の発生率が最も高かった。さらに、腋窩外手技ではプロテーゼ関連の合併症の割合が最も高かった(44%;95%CI = 27%~62%)。

RESULTS: A total of 35 studies were included in the meta-analysis. Subgroup analysis showed that study design (prospective vs retrospective) had no significant impact (P = .10) on the outcomes. The SR was highest for the Brånemark and extrasinus techniques (100%) and lowest for the sinus slot technique (94%; 95% CI = 86% to 102%). The extramaxillary (38%; 95% CI = 1% to 3%) and the Brånemark (29%; 95% CI = 15% to 44%) techniques resulted in the highest occurrence of patient-level complications. Moreover, the extramaxillary technique showed the highest percentage of prothesis-related complications (44%; 95% CI = 27% to 62%).


ZI埋入は、評価された術式にかかわらず、重度の萎縮した上顎のリハビリテーショ ンにとって信頼できる術式であることが示された。術式に関連した術後合併症を減少させるためには、正確な症例と手術プロトコルの選択が最も重要である。

CONCLUSIONS: ZI placement was demonstrated to be a reliable technique for the rehabilitation of severely atrophic maxillae, irrespective of the surgical technique evaluated. Accurate case and surgical protocol selection is of paramount importance to reduce technique-related postoperative complications.