Masking-efficacy and caries arrestment after resin infiltration or fluoridation of initial caries lesions in adolescents during orthodontic treatment-A randomised controlled trial.
PMID: 37730095
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this randomised, controlled, split-mouth trial was to assess the masking results in initial caries lesions (ICL) that were either resin infiltrated or fluoridated during treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances.
固定式矯正装置を装着し、矯正治療中にICL[ICDAS 1または2(International Caries Detection and Assessment System)]を発症した思春期の患者(年齢範囲:12~18歳)を連続的に募集し、最大3回のエッチング処置を伴うレジン浸潤(Group:Inf)または3ヵ月ごとのフッ化物ワニス塗布(Group:FV)のいずれかに無作為に割り付けた。どちらの治療もメーカーの推奨に従って行った。一次および二次アウトカム(ΔE、ICDAS、DIAGNOdent)には、治療前(T)、治療1週間後(T)、およびデボンディング前の最終診察時(T)のICLの外観評価が含まれた。
METHODS: Adolescent patients (age range:12-18years) with fixed orthodontic appliances who had developed ICL [ICDAS 1 or 2 (International Caries Detection and Assessment System)] during orthodontic treatment were consecutively recruited and randomly assigned to either resin infiltration with up to 3 etching procedures (Group:Inf) or to 3-monthly application of a fluoride varnish (Group:FV). Both interventions were performed according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Primary and secondary outcomes (ΔE, ICDAS, DIAGNOdent) included the evaluation of the appearance of the ICL before (T), 1 week after (T) treatment and at the last appointment before debonding (T).
RESULTS: Fifteen patients (8females, 7males) with 57ICL were included. Mean (SD) observation time at the last appointment before debonding was 0.5 (0.3) years. At T FV and Inf did not differ significantly in ΔE (median ΔE(25th/75th percentiles):11.6 (8.7/20.3): ΔE:15.1 (11.4/19.5); p = 0.135), ICDAS (p = 0.920) and DD (p = 0.367). At T and T ΔE values (p<0.001, p<0.001), ICDAS scores (p<0.001, p<0.001) and DIAGNOdent values (p = <0.001, p = <0.001) for Inf were significantly reduced whereas ΔE values (p = 0.382, p = 0.072) and ICDAS scores (p = 0.268, p<0.001) for FV remained unchanged.
CONCLUSIONS: Resin infiltration effectively masked ICL during treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances both immediately after application and at the last appointment before debonding. Furthermore, the visual appearance of fluoridated lesions was not as satisfactory as that of the infiltrated ones at both T and T.
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Resin infiltration effectively masked ICL during treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances both immediately after application and at the last appointment before debonding. Furthermore, the visual appearance of fluoridated lesions was not as satisfactory as that of the infiltrated ones immediately after first application as well as half a year after application.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS-ID: DRKS00011797).