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J Pers Med.2023 Jul;13(7).


Optical Coherence Tomography Assessment of Macular Thickness in Alzheimer's Dementia with Different Neuropsychological Severities.

PMID: 37511731


このレトロスペクティブ症例対照研究は、アルツハイマー型認知症(AD)の疾患重症度と黄斑部厚の関連を調べることを目的とした。2013年から2020年の間に薬物治療を受けていたAD患者(n=192)と、年齢・性別をマッチさせた認知機能が正常な対照群(n=200)のデータを対象とした。AD患者は、Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSE)とClinical Dementia Rating(CDR)のスコアによってサブグループに分けられた。黄斑の厚さはETDRS(Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study)のグリッドマップを用いて解析した。AD患者では、黄斑の内円、外下領域、外鼻領域を含む黄斑全層の有意な減少がみられた。神経節細胞や内神経叢層でも同様の網膜の菲薄化が認められた。進行AD患者(MMSEスコア<18またはCDR≧1)では、AD群(CDR=0.5またはMMSE≧18)よりも黄斑部厚の減少がより進行しており、重度の認知障害が黄斑部厚の薄層化と関連していることが示された。進行したADは、特に黄斑の内円部において、網膜全体と内叢層における黄斑の著しい菲薄化と関連している。黄斑の厚さはADの重症度を示す有用なバイオマーカーである可能性がある。網膜画像はADの非侵襲的で低コストの代用指標となりうる。

This retrospective case-control study aimed to investigate associations between disease severity of Alzheimer's dementia (AD) and macular thickness. Data of patients with AD who were under medication (n = 192) between 2013 and 2020, as well as an age- and sex-matched control group (n = 200) with normal cognitive function, were included. AD patients were divided into subgroups according to scores of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR). Macular thickness was analyzed via the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) grid map. AD patients had significant reductions in full macula layers, including inner circle, outer inferior area, and outer nasal area of the macula. Similar retinal thinning was noted in ganglion cells and inner plexiform layers. Advanced AD patients (MMSE score < 18 or CDR ≥ 1) showed more advanced reduction of macular thickness than the AD group (CDR = 0.5 or MMSE ≥ 18), indicating that severe cognitive impairment was associated with thinner macular thickness. Advanced AD is associated with significant macula thinning in full retina and inner plexiform layers, especially at the inner circle of the macula. Macular thickness may be a useful biomarker of AD disease severity. Retinal imaging may be a non-invasive, low-cost surrogate for AD.