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J Prosthet Dent.2023 Jul;


Comparison of wear and fracture resistance of additively and subtractively manufactured screw-retained, implant-supported crowns.

PMID: 37479623




STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Additively manufactured resins indicated for fixed definitive prostheses have been recently marketed. However, knowledge on their wear and fracture resistance when fabricated as screw-retained, implant-supported crowns and subjected to artificial aging is limited.


このin vitro研究の目的は、加法的および減法的に製造された材料を用いて作製された、熱機械的老化後のスクリュー保持式インプラント支持クラウンの体積損失、最大摩耗深さ、および耐破壊性を評価することである。

PURPOSE: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the volume loss, maximum wear depth, and fracture resistance of screw-retained implant-supported crowns after thermomechanical aging when fabricated using additively and subtractively manufactured materials.


加法的に製造された2種類のコンポジットレジン(クラウンテック[CT]およびヴァーソスマイルクラウンプラス[VS])および減法的に製造された2種類の材料(1種類の強化コンポジットレジン、ブリリアントクリオス[BC]および1種類のポリマー包埋セラミックネットワーク、ビタエナミック[EN])を使用して、標準化されたネジ止め式インプラント支持クラウンを作製した.作製後、クラウンはチタン製のベースアバットメントにセメントで固定され、アクリル樹脂に埋入されたインプラントに締め付けられた。三角変位センサー付きレーザースキャナー(LAS-20)を用いて、クラウンの加齢前の状態をデジタル化した。その後、すべてのクラウンを熱機械的エージング(50N下で120万サイクル)に供し、再スキャンした。計測学グレードの分析ソフトウェアプログラム(Geomagic Control X 2020.1)を使用して、老化後のスキャンを老化前のスキャンと重ね合わせ、体積損失(mm)と最大摩耗深さ(mm)を算出した。最後に、すべてのクラウンを耐破折試験に供した。耐破折性と体積損失は、一元配置分散分析とTukey Honestly Significant Difference(HSD)検定を用いて評価し、最大摩耗深さの分析にはKruskal-Wallis検定とDunn検定を用いた。ワイブル弾性率と特性強度のデータの評価にはカイ二乗検定を用いた(α=.05)。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two additively manufactured composite resins (Crowntec [CT] and VarseoSmile Crown Plus [VS]) and 2 subtractively manufactured materials (1 reinforced composite resin, Brilliant Crios [BC] and 1 polymer-infiltrated ceramic network, Vita Enamic [EN]) were used to fabricate standardized screw-retained, implant-supported crowns. After fabrication, the crowns were cemented on titanium base abutments and then tightened to implants embedded in acrylic resin. A laser scanner with a triangular displacement sensor (LAS-20) was used to digitize the preaging state of the crowns. Then, all crowns were subjected to thermomechanical aging (1.2 million cycles under 50 N) and rescanned. A metrology-grade analysis software program (Geomagic Control X 2020.1) was used to superimpose postaging scans over preaging scans to calculate the volume loss (mm) and maximum wear depth (mm). Finally, all crowns were subjected to a fracture resistance test. Fracture resistance and volume loss were evaluated by using 1-way analysis of variance and Tukey Honestly significant difference (HSD) tests, whereas the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests were used to analyze maximum wear depth. Chi-square tests were used to evaluate the Weibull modulus and characteristic strength data (α=.05).



RESULTS: Material type affected the tested parameters (P<.001). CT and VS had higher volume loss and maximum wear depth than BC and EN (P<.001). EN had the highest fracture resistance among tested materials (P<.001), whereas BC had higher fracture resistance than CT (P=.011). The differences among tested materials were not significant when the Weibull modulus was considered (P=.199); however, VE had the highest characteristic strength (P<.001).


付加的に製造されたスクリュー・リテインド・インプラント支 持クラウンは、体積損失と最大摩耗深さが大きかった。すべての材料は、以前に報告された小臼歯部の咀嚼力よりも高い破壊抵抗値を示した。しかし、減法的に製造されたポリマー包埋セラミックネットワークの高い特性強度は、機械的合併症に対する抵抗性を示している可能性がある。

CONCLUSIONS: Additively manufactured screw-retained, implant-supported crowns had higher volume loss and maximum wear depth. All materials had fracture resistance values higher than the previously reported masticatory forces of the premolar region; however, the higher characteristic strength of the subtractively manufactured polymer-infiltrated ceramic network may indicate its resistance to mechanical complications.