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Ann Anat.2023 Oct;250:152117.


Remodeling dental anatomy vs sham therapy for chronic temporomandibular disorders. A placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial.

PMID: 37302432




BACKGROUND: Evidence regarding the etiology or effective treatments for chronic orofacial pain, the majority diagnosed as temporomandibular disorder (TMD), is limited.



PURPOSE: To investigate whether occlusal equilibration therapy (ET) and decreasing the (higher) angle of the lateral guidance on the nonworking-side leads to a reduction in chronic TMDs intensity.


慢性顎関節症患者を対象とした、バイアスから強く保護された無作為化、説明的、単盲検、盲検評価、プラセボ対照試験を実施した。参加者は、平衡療法を受ける群と偽療法を受ける群に無作為に割り付けられた。本試験におけるETは、フランクフォート平面に対する下顎側方運動の急角度を減少させ、バランスのとれた咬合を得るための最小侵襲的咬合改造術であった。主要転帰は、6ヵ月目における疼痛強度スコア(0~10点満点で、0は疼痛なし、10は最悪の疼痛を示す)の変化であった。 副次的転帰には、最大無介助開口および心理的苦痛が含まれる。

METHODS: It was conducted a randomized, explanatory, single blind with blinded assessment, placebo-controlled trial with strong protection against bias involving patients with chronic TMDs. Participants were randomly assigned to receive equilibration therapy or sham therapy. ET in this study consisted of minimal invasive occlusal remodeling to obtain balanced occlusion with reduction of the steeper angle of lateral mandibular movement with respect to the Frankfort plane. The primary outcome was a change in the pain intensity score (on a 0-10 point scale, with 0 indicating no pain and 10 the worst possible pain) at month 6. Secondary outcomes include maximum unassisted mouth opening and psychological distress.


合計77人の参加者が無作為割付けを受け、そのうち39人がETを受け、38人が偽治療を受けた。試験は、67人の参加者(それぞれn=34、n=33)が解析を終了した時点で、事前に設定された規則に従い、有効性のために早期に中止された。6ヵ月目の時点で、未調整の平均疼痛強度スコアは、ET群で2.1、偽治療群で3.6であった(調整平均差、-1.54;95%信頼区間[CI]-0.5~-2.6;P=0.004;ANCOVAモデル)。補助なし最大開口量の平均増加(主な副次的結果)は、実治療群で有意に高かった(調整平均差3.1mm、95%CI 0.5~5.7、p=0.02)。

RESULTS: A total of 77 participants underwent randomization, 39 of whom received ET and 38 sham therapy. The trial was stopped early for efficacy, according to preestablished rules when 67 participants (n = 34, n = 33, respectively) had completed the analysis. At month 6, the mean unadjusted pain intensity score was 2.1 in the ET and 3.6 in the sham therapy group (adjusted mean difference, -1.54; 95% confidence interval [CI] -0.5 to -2.6; P = 0.004; ANCOVA model). The mean increase in maximum unassisted mouth opening (main secondary outcome) was significantly higher in the real therapy group (adjusted mean difference 3.1 mm, 95% CI 0.5-5.7, p = 0.02).


ETは、6ヵ月間にわたり、偽治療と比較して、慢性顎関節症に伴う顔面痛の強さを有意に軽減し、最大開口量を増加させた。重篤な有害事象は認められなかった。スペイン政府科学技術革新省カルロス3世衛生研究所および欧州地域開発基金(European Regional Development Fund)より助成を受けた。

CONCLUSION: ET significantly reduced the intensity of facial pain associated with chronic TMDs and increased maximum unassisted mouth opening, as compared with sham therapy, over the course of 6 months. There were no serious adverse events. Funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain and European Regional Development Fund, Grant nº PI11/02507; "una manera de hacer Europa".