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J Esthet Restor Dent.2023 Apr;

重度に破壊された歯を保存するための実用的な技術として、軸状抜歯システムを用いた強制的外科的押出し術?- 4.8年までの臨床成績

Forced surgical extrusion using an axial tooth extraction system as a practicable technique for preserving severely destroyed teeth? - Clinical outcomes up to 4.8 years.

PMID: 37096865




OBJECTIVE: Several extrusion techniques have been described to restore teeth with insufficient coronal tooth structure and to avoid their extraction. Still, there is little evidence for a treatment concept combining surgical extrusion using an atraumatic axial extraction system.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of nine patients, each with an iso- or subgingival fractured tooth, were retrospectively examined. Treatment of the damaged tooth comprised an atraumatic forced surgical extrusion performed with an axial tooth extraction system and a more coronal positioning within the socket. The teeth were initially splinted and subsequently restored. The follow-up period was up to 57.1 months and averaged 36.5 (SD: ±13.5) months.



RESULTS: All nine teeth were still in situ, without signs of inflammation. During the period of the provisional restoration, six prosthetic complications occurred, which were resolved with little effort, whereas, success rate for the definitive restoration was 100%. No biological complications were observed concerning the root apex or soft tissue. The radiographically measured mean extrusion distance was 3.4 (SD: ±1.0) mm, so that a sufficient prosthetic ferrule could be reestablished.



CONCLUSIONS: Surgical extrusions using an axial tooth extraction system demonstrate low biological and prosthetic complications rates over observation time.



CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The presented extrusion approach preserves soft and hard tissue and is an efficient treatment option for severely destroyed teeth. Saving hopeless teeth by this relatively predictable and feasible procedure has hardly any disadvantages for patients, and in case of failure, an implant or fixed partial denture are still an option.