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J Clin Periodontol.2023 Apr;


Healthy lifestyles are associated with a better response to periodontal therapy: A prospective cohort study.

PMID: 37013691




AIM: To evaluate the association between lifestyle behaviours and clinical periodontal outcomes following Steps 1/2 of periodontal therapy.


未治療のStage II/III歯周炎患者120名を対象とした。ベースライン時に、地中海食(MD)、身体活動(PA)、ストレスレベル、睡眠の質、喫煙、飲酒などの生活習慣を評価するためのアンケートを実施した。参加者は1/2ステップの歯周治療を受け、3ヵ月後に再評価を受けた。治療のエンドポイント(すなわち、プロービング時に出血を伴うプロービングポケット深さ[PPD]が4mm以上の部位がないこと、およびPPDが6mm以上の部位がないこと)の複合アウトカムを主要アウトカムとみなした。生活習慣と歯周病の臨床結果との関連を評価するために,単回帰分析および重回帰分析を用いた.ベースライン時の重症度,肥満度,糖尿病,世帯の可処分所得,プラークコントロールを交絡因子とした.

METHODS: A total of 120 subjects with untreated Stage II/III periodontitis participated in this study. At baseline, questionnaires were administered to assess the following lifestyle behaviours: adherence to Mediterranean diet (MD), physical activity (PA) and stress levels, sleep quality, smoking and alcohol use. Participants received Steps 1/2 of periodontal therapy and were re-evaluated after 3 months. A composite outcome of the endpoint of therapy (i.e., no sites with probing pocket depth [PPD] ≥4 mm with bleeding on probing, and no sites with PPD ≥ 6 mm) was regarded as the primary outcome. Simple and multiple regression analyses were used to evaluate the association between lifestyle behaviours and clinical periodontal outcomes. Disease severity at baseline, body mass index, diabetes, household disposable income and plaque control were considered as confounders.


重回帰分析により、睡眠の質が悪い被験者(オッズ比[OR]=0.13、95%信頼区間[CI]:0.03-0.47、p<.01)、喫煙(OR=0.18、95%CI:0.06-0.52、p< .05)、推奨摂取量を超えるアルコール使用(OR=0.21、95%CI:0.07-0.63、p<.01)では、治療のエンドポイントを達成する確率が有意に低いことが示された。不健康な生活習慣」(MDの遵守が低く、PAレベルが低く、ストレスレベルが高く、睡眠の質が悪い)を併せ持つ被験者は、再評価時に残存PPD≧6mmの割合が高く(MD=1.51;95%CI:0.23-2.80;p<.05)、治療のエンドポイントを達成する確率が低かった(OR=0.85;95%CI:0.33-0.99;p<.05)。

RESULTS: Multiple regression analyses showed significantly lower odds of achieving the endpoint of therapy in subjects with poor sleep quality (odds ratio [OR] = 0.13; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.03-0.47; p < .01), smoking (OR = 0.18; 95% CI: 0.06-0.52; p < .05) and alcohol use above the suggested intake (OR = 0.21; 95% CI: 0.07-0.63; p < .01). Subjects with a combination of 'unhealthy lifestyles' (low adherence to MD and low PA levels and high levels of stress and poor sleep quality) showed higher proportions of residual PPD≥6 mm (MD = 1.51; 95% CI: 0.23-2.80; p < .05) and lower odds of achieving the endpoint of therapy (OR = 0.85; 95% CI: 0.33-0.99; p < .05) at re-evaluation.



CONCLUSIONS: Subjects with unhealthy lifestyle behaviours showed worse clinical outcomes 3 months after Steps 1/2 of periodontal therapy.