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Front Endocrinol (Lausanne).2023;14:1098366.


Evaluation of food and nutrient intake in a population of subjects affected by periodontal disease with different levels of bone mineral density.

PMID: 36864837



骨粗鬆症と歯周炎はともに骨組織の不均衡を特徴とする病態である。ビタミンCは歯周組織の健康維持に重要な因子であり、その欠乏は歯茎の出血や発赤など歯周組織に特徴的な病変を引き起こす。また、歯根膜の健康維持に不可欠なミネラルとして、カルシウムが挙げられます。本研究の目的は、骨粗鬆症の有無と歯周病との関連性を検討することである。我々は、特定の食事パターンと歯周病の病因、そして二次的に骨粗鬆症の病因との間の可能な関係を特定することを試みた。フィレンツェ大学とフィレンツェにある私立歯科研究所Excellence Dental Networkが共同で実施した単施設の観察型横断研究において、歯周炎を患っている110名の被験者を募集し、71名が骨粗鬆症・骨減少症、39名が非骨粗鬆症・骨減少症でした。検査データおよび食習慣に関する情報が収集された。

INTRODUCTION: Both osteoporosis and periodontitis are pathologies characterized by an imbalance in the bone tissue. Vitamin C is an important factor involved in maintaining the health of the periodontium; its deficiency causes characteristic lesions to periodontal tissues such as bleeding and redness of the gums. Among the essential minerals for the health of the periodontium we find instead calcium. The objectives of the proposed study are to study the association between the presence of osteoporosis and periodontal disease. We tried to identify the possible connections between particular dietary patterns and therefore the etiopathogenesis of periodontal disease and secondarily of osteoporosis. 110 subjects were recruited in a single-center observational cross-sectional study carried through the collaboration between the University of Florence and the private institute of dentistry Excellence Dental Network based in Florence, suffering of periodontitis, 71 osteoporotic/osteopenic and 39 non-osteoporotic/osteopenic. Anamnestic data and information on eating habits were collected.



RESULTS: The population showed eating habits that do not meet the intake levels recommended by the L.A.R.N. Regarding the relationship between nutrient intake and plaque index, it appears that in the population, the higher the intake of vitamin C through food, the lower the plaque index value is. This result could reinforce the scientific evidence that there is a protective factor in the onset of periodontal disease by the consumption of vitamin C which to date is still the subject of investigation. In addition, the same type of trend would also have been observed for calcium intake, but a larger sample size would be required to make this effect significant.



CONCLUSIONS: The relationship between osteoporosis and periodontitis and the role of nutrition in influencing the evolution of these pathologies still seems to be deeply explored. However, the results obtained seem to consolidate the idea that there is a relationship between these two diseases and that eating habits play an important role in their prevention.