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Metabolites.2022 Dec;13(1).

ボディマス指数とう蝕。Dental, Oral, Medical Epidemiological (DOME) Nationwide Big Data Studyの機械学習・統計解析

Body Mass Index and Caries: Machine Learning and Statistical Analytics of the Dental, Oral, Medical Epidemiological (DOME) Nationwide Big Data Study.

PMID: 36676963


本研究の目的は、心血管リスク因子とメタボリックシンドローム(MetS)の構成要素、結果、および関連条件を調整しながら、統計モデルと機械学習(ML)モデルの両方の新しいアプローチを使用して、ボディマス指数(BMI)とう蝕の関連を分析することである。本研究は、18~50歳の全国歯科医院受診者の社会・人口統計・医療・歯科のデータベースを統合した歯科・口腔・医療疫学(DOME)ビッグデータリポジトリのデータ駆動型分析である。肥満のカテゴリーは、世界保健機関(WHO)に従って定義された:低体重(under-weight:BMI < 18.5 kg/m、正常体重。BMI 18.5〜24.9kg/m、過体重。BMI 25〜29.9kg/m、肥満。BMI ≥ 30 kg/m。一般線形モデルを用い、BMIカテゴリー間の平均むし歯数を従属変数とし、(1)社会人口統計、(2)健康関連習慣、(3)高血圧、糖尿病、高脂血症、心血管疾患、閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸(OSA)、非アルコール性脂肪肝疾患(NAFLD)といった、Mets定義Metsと長期後遺症および関連疾患を含むそれぞれの疾患について調整しました。統計解析後、同じ臨床的特徴量セットに対してXGBoost機械学習アルゴリズムを実行し、虫歯という二項対立の目標変数だけでなく、肥満カテゴリに応じた特徴量の重要性を探った。本研究では、平均年齢22.8±7.1の66,790人の被験者を対象とした。BMIスコアの平均は24.2±4.3kg/mであった。BMI区分の分布は、低体重(3113人、4.7%)、普通体重(38,924人、59.2%)、過体重(16,966人、25.8%)、肥満(6736人、10.2%)であった。虫歯の数は,標準体重(2.02 ± 2.79)と比較して,肥満(2.40 ± 3.00; OR = 1.46 (1.35-1.57) ),低体重(2.36 ± 3.04; OR = 1.40 (1.26-1.56) )と過体重(2.08 ± 2.76, OR = 1.05 (1.01-1.11) )の対象者で統計的に有意に高かった.調整後も,肥満[OR = 1.56(1.39-1.76)] と低体重[OR = 1.29(1.16-1.45)] の関連は持続したが,過体重[OR = 1.11(1.05-1.17)] の関連は持続しなかった.XGBoostモデルで重要な特徴は、う蝕の危険因子としてよく知られている社会経済的地位、歯磨き、出生国、甘味飲料の摂取であった。これらの変数の中には、我々の主要な理論的独立変数も含まれていた。また、BMI カテゴリも独立変数とした。また、肥満をターゲット変数としたXGBoostによる臨床的特徴の重要度を行ったところ、AUC0.702、精度0.896と優れた識別性を示し、そこで肥満のリスクを高めている主要特徴は、高血圧、NAFLD、SES、喫煙、歯磨き、年齢、そして我々の主要理論の従属変数として齲蝕が二値化変数(はい/いいえ)とされた。本研究では、低体重および肥満の BMI 区分と齲蝕との間に、研究対象とした社会人口学的、健康関連行為、および MetS に関連する他の全身状態とは独立した正の相関があることを実証している。歯科医療を必要とする低体重および肥満の集団に焦点を当てた、より良い資源配分が推奨される。

The objectives of the research were to analyze the association between Body Mass Index (BMI) and dental caries using novel approaches of both statistical and machine learning (ML) models while adjusting for cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic syndrome (MetS) components, consequences, and related conditions. This research is a data-driven analysis of the Dental, Oral, Medical Epidemiological (DOME) big data repository, that integrates comprehensive socio-demographic, medical, and dental databases of a nationwide sample of dental attendees to military dental clinics for 1 year aged 18-50 years. Obesity categories were defined according to the World Health Organization (WHO): under-weight: BMI < 18.5 kg/m, normal weight: BMI 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m, overweight: BMI 25 to 29.9 kg/m, and obesity: BMI ≥ 30 kg/m. General linear models were used with the mean number of decayed teeth as the dependent variable across BMI categories, adjusted for (1) socio-demographics, (2) health-related habits, and (3) each of the diseases comprising the MetS definition MetS and long-term sequelae as well as associated illnesses, such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular disease, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). After the statistical analysis, we run the XGBoost machine learning algorithm on the same set of clinical features to explore the features' importance according to the dichotomous target variable of decayed teeth as well as the obesity category. The study included 66,790 subjects with a mean age of 22.8 ± 7.1. The mean BMI score was 24.2 ± 4.3 kg/m. The distribution of BMI categories: underweight (3113 subjects, 4.7%), normal weight (38,924 subjects, 59.2%), overweight (16,966, 25.8%), and obesity (6736, 10.2%). Compared to normal weight (2.02 ± 2.79), the number of decayed teeth was statistically significantly higher in subjects with obesity [2.40 ± 3.00; OR = 1.46 (1.35-1.57)], underweight [2.36 ± 3.04; OR = 1.40 (1.26-1.56)] and overweight [2.08 ± 2.76, OR = 1.05 (1.01-1.11)]. Following adjustment, the associations persisted for obesity [OR = 1.56 (1.39-1.76)] and underweight [OR = 1.29 (1.16-1.45)], but not for overweight [OR = 1.11 (1.05-1.17)]. Features important according to the XGBoost model were socioeconomic status, teeth brushing, birth country, and sweetened beverage consumption, which are well-known risk factors of caries. Among those variables was also our main theory independent variable: BMI categories. We also performed clinical features importance based on XGBoost with obesity set as the target variable and received an AUC of 0.702, and accuracy of 0.896, which are considered excellent discrimination, and the major features that are increasing the risk of obesity there were: hypertension, NAFLD, SES, smoking, teeth brushing, age as well as our main theory dependent variable: caries as a dichotomized variable (Yes/no). The study demonstrates a positive association between underweight and obesity BMI categories and caries, independent of the socio-demographic, health-related practices, and other systemic conditions related to MetS that were studied. Better allocation of resources is recommended, focusing on populations underweight and obese in need of dental care.