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J Prosthodont.2023 Jan;

デジタルスキャンと従来型印象で作製した5ユニットジルコニア固定式歯科補綴物のマージナルおよびインターナルフィット。In vitro による比較検討

Marginal and internal fit of five-unit zirconia fixed dental prostheses fabricated with digital scans and conventional impressions: A comparative in vitro study.

PMID: 36627825




PURPOSE: This study aimed to compare the marginal and internal fit of five-unit zirconia fixed dental prostheses fabricated using digital scans and conventional impressions.


口腔内スキャナーで3個のジルコニアアバットメントを装着した9個のマスターモデル(テスト群)をスキャンし,同じモデルの9個の従来型印象(コントロール群)を作製した.これらの印象の石膏模型を口腔外スキャナ(D700, 3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark)でスキャンした.合計18個の5ユニットジルコニア固定式人工歯根フレームワーク(テスト群,n=9;コントロール群,n=9)を作製した.マイクロコンピュータトモグラフィー下でレプリカ法を用いて,マージナルフィットおよびインターナルフィット(単位:μm)を評価した.2群間の連続変数の比較には,分散分析(one-way ANOVA)およびクラスカル・ウォリス検定を使用した.P <0.05の水準は統計的に有意であるとみなされた。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nine master models with three zirconia abutments were scanned with an intraoral scanner (test group), and nine conventional impressions (control group) of these same models were also made. The stone casts from theses impressions were scanned with a laboratory extraoral scanner (D700, 3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark). A total of 18 five-unit zirconia fixed dental prostheses frameworks (test group, n = 9; control group, n = 9) were manufactured. Marginal and internal fit (in μm) were evaluated using the replica method under micro-computed tomography. Analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) and Kruskal Wallis tests were used to compare continuous variables across two groups. A level of P <0.05 was accepted as statistically significant.


限界適合度の平均値±標準偏差は,試験群で95.03±12.74μm,対照群で106.02±14.51μmであった.試験群では限界平均値が最も低く、対照群と比較して統計的に有意な差が認められた(F = 14.56, P <0.05)。内面適合度の平均値±標準偏差は、試験群103.61±9.32μm、対照群106.38±7.64μmで、統計的に有意な差はなかった(F = 1.56, P >0.05)。両群の平均値は臨床的に許容できるものであった.

RESULTS: The mean ±standard deviation of the marginal fit was 95.03 ±12.74 μm in the test group and 106.02 ±14.51 μm in the control group. The lowest marginal mean value was observed in the test group, with a statistically significant difference comparing to the control group (F = 14. 56, P <0.05). The mean ±standard deviation of the internal fit was 103.61 ±9.32 μm and 106.38 ±7.64 μm, respectively, in the test and control groups, with no statistically significant difference (F = 1.56, P >0.05). The mean values of both groups were clinically acceptable.



CONCLUSIONS: The five-unit zirconia fixed dental prostheses fabricated with digital scans showed better fit than conventional impressions group. Within the limitations of this study, these results are encouraging and continued progress in the digital field should allow for more accurate long-span restorations. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.