Management of transverse root fractures in dental trauma.
PMID: 36537854
The management of complex dental trauma can be modulated according to the emergencies that may arise over time. Clinical management of transverse root fractures may require different therapies based on situations, such as delay and error in the treatment of an avulsion trauma associated with apical third root fracture, patient's poor compliance, or external and internal root resorption. The primary aim of this article was to review studies regarding root fractures in the permanent dentition and root fracture management. The secondary aim was to present the inflammatory reaction and the complications (i.e., infections) that may occur if the International Association for Dental Traumatology (IADT) guidelines are not followed. In addition, a scenario is devised in which endodontic surgery, despite the baseline patient's conditions and negative prognosis, can help to inhibit the inflammatory root resorption and allow the preservation of soft and hard tissues within a long follow-up from the injury, for the purpose of demonstrating the next possible implant-prosthetic rehabilitation.