Survival rate of dental implant placed using various maxillary sinus floor elevation techniques: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
PMID: 36511050
AIM: The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the survival rate of dental implant placed using different maxillary sinus floor elevation techniques.
SETTING AND DESIGN: PRISMA guidelines were used for this systematic review and meta-analysis.
Medline, PubMed, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, Cochrane trialsから関連論文を検索した。英語で発表された論文を選択した。さらにハンドサーチを行った。バイアスのリスクについては、ランダム化比較試験(RCT)にはCochrane tool、非RCTにはnew castle Ottawa quality assessment toolという2つのツールを使用した。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Relevant articles were searched from Medline, PubMed, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, and Cochrane trials. Articles published in English language were selected. Hand search was further conducted. For risk of bias, two tools were used, i.e., Cochrane tool for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and new castle Ottawa quality assessment tool for non-RCTs.
統計的メタ解析にはRevMan 5.4ソフトウェアを使用した。
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: For statistical meta-analysis RevMan 5.4 software was used.
17件の研究が最終的に決定された。インプラントの生存率を確認するため、すべての研究がメタ解析に含まれた。直接法と間接法の間に統計的な差はなく、直接法(P = 0.688、95%信頼区間[CI] 0.9691)および間接法(P = 0.686、95%CI 0.970)についてフォレスト・プロットが導き出された。
RESULTS: Seventeen studies were finalized. All studies were included in the meta-analysis to check the implant survival rate. There is no statistical difference between direct and indirect techniques, and forest plot was derived for direct approach (P = 0.688, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.9691) and for indirect approach (P = 0.686 and 95% CI 0.970).
直接法、間接法いずれのサイナスリフトアプローチを 用いても、インプラント埋入時の生存率に統計学的な有意差 は認められなかった。したがって、直接法および間接法それぞれの適応症に応じて術式を選択する。
CONCLUSION: There is no statistically significant difference in the survival rate of implant placed using direct or indirect sinus lift approach procedures. Hence, the technique is selected as per the indications given for each direct and indirect procedure.