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J Endod.2022 Nov;

水酸化カルシウムを用いたDirect Pulp Cappingの治療成績.長期的なレトロスペクティブスタディ

Outcome of Direct Pulp Capping Using Calcium Hydroxide: A Long-term Retrospective Study.

PMID: 36375647



このレトロスペクティブスタディーは、成熟した歯におけるDirect Pulpcappingの長期的な結果を、特定の症例選択と治療手順を用いて評価したものである。

INTRODUCTION: This retrospective study evaluated the long-term outcome of direct pulp capping in mature teeth using specific case selection and treatment procedures.


進行したう蝕により歯髄が露出し、可逆性歯髄炎と臨床診断された歯は、直接歯髄キャッピングにより治療された。治療は15年にわたり、一人のオペレーターによって行われた。拡大鏡下でう蝕を完全に除去し,露出した歯髄を調べ,純粋な水酸化カルシウムまたは水酸化カルシウムベースのセメントでキャッピングを行った.窩洞は修復され,1年から35年以上にわたる長期的な治療成績が評価された.無症状で,知覚過敏性歯髄検査に正常範囲内で反応し,X線写真による歯周病変が認められなかった歯は,成功に分類された.歯髄検査に反応せず,X 線写真で歯根膜炎を認めた歯は,失敗とした.独立変数(性別,年齢,症状,歯髄露出の回数と大きさ,出血時間,キャッピング材,キャッピング材に使用した土台,最終的な歯冠修復物)が結果に及ぼす影響を評価した.

METHODS: Teeth with pulp exposure due to advanced caries and clinical diagnosis of reversible pulpitis were treated by direct pulp capping. Treatments were conducted over a period of 15 years by a single operator. Under magnification, caries was completely removed, the exposed pulp examined, and capped with either pure calcium hydroxide or a calcium hydroxide-based cement. The cavity was restored and the long-term outcome evaluated from 1 to >35 years. Teeth that were asymptomatic, responded to sensibility pulp tests within normal limits, and showed no radiographic periapical changes were categorized as success. Teeth with no response to pulp tests and/or showing radiographic evidence of apical periodontitis were classified as failures. The effects of independent variables (sex, age, symptoms, number and size of pulp exposures, bleeding time, capping material, bases used over the capping material, and final coronal restoration) on the outcome were evaluated.



RESULTS: In general, 225 teeth from 148 patients were available for follow-up examination in at least one of the evaluated periods. The success rate of the direct pulp capping procedure was 100%, 95%, 95%, 86%, and 89% at 1-, 5-, 10-, 20-, and 35-year follow-up examination, respectively. The main variable significantly affecting the treatment outcome in all follow-up periods was the quality/presence of coronal restoration (P < .001). Other isolated variables associated with the outcome included the size and number of pulp exposures at the 20-year follow-up, and the exposure size, capping material, and restoration type at the 35-year follow-up. Multiple regression analysis confirmed the results for exposure size (P < .05), and disclosed a higher proportion of failures at 5 years when varnish was used as the base.



CONCLUSIONS: A very high success rate of the direct pulp capping with calcium hydroxide was observed, especially in the first 10 years following treatment. The main variable influencing the outcome was the quality of the coronal restoration.